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Think of our husbands, who to the disgrace of morals behave almost all of them like celibates and glory in petto over their secret adventures. Why, then we believe that every married man, who is at all attached to his wife from honorable motives, can, in the words of the elder Corneille, seek a rope and a nail; foenum habet in cornu.

Then Cornu, turning towards his accomplice said in the deep tones of an organ: "Say that we were both full, and you will be telling no lie." The judge, severely: "You mean by that that you were both drunk?" Brument: "There can be no question about it." Cornu: "That might happen to anyone." The judge to the victim: "Continue your testimony, woman Brument."

Of these the superior branch bifurcates, and one of its branches goes to the right breast, the other to the left, conveying blood from the liver. The inferior branch of the lrili vein also bifurcates, sending one of its branches to the right cornu of the uterus, the other to the left.

Heed not the face of my good coz here. Foenum habet in cornu, as Don Horace has it; but I warrant him harmless for all that." "Stint your bull's bellowing!" exclaimed the other. "If it come to Horace, I have a line in my mind: Loquaces si sapiat How doth it run? The English o't being that a man of sense should ever avoid a great talker.

Well, Brument came to my place about nine o'clock, and ordered two drinks, and said: 'There's one for you, Cornu. I sat down opposite him and drank, and out of politeness, I offered him a glass. Then he returned the compliment and so did I, and so it went on from glass to glass until noon, when we were full. "Then Brument began to cry. That touched me. I asked him what was the matter.

"A hundred sous is a hundred sous, and I have to undress myself; but I did not fancy undressing before those two good-for-nothings. I took off my cap, and then my jacket, and then my skirt, and then my sabots. Brument said, 'Keep on your stockings, also; we are good fellows. "And Cornu said, too, 'We are good fellows. "So there I was, almost like mother Eve.

The human figure in the pulpit came down again, and went rapidly into hiding. Don Rocco turned around so as to stand in cornu epistolae, toward the empty benches, imagined them full of people, of his people of every Sunday, and a spirit of eloquence entered into him. "I bless you all," said he in a strong voice.

"For the love of tripe, what's that?" "California!" murmured Jerry. "I guess the fates want to pile it up on us." "Say, is that 'Cornu batrachian' anything like a mountain lion?" asked Bob. "Wait," counseled Ned. "He explains. 'The Cornu batrachian, he says, 'is what is commonly called a horned toad.

The defendants, Cesaire-Isidore Brument and Prosper-Napoleon Cornu, appeared before the Court of Assizes of the Seine-Inferieure, on a charge of attempted murder, by drowning, of Mme. Brument, lawful wife of the first of the aforenamed. The two prisoners sat side by side on the traditional bench.

Subsequently Fizeau, and quite recently Cornu, employing not planetary or stellar distances, but simply the breadth of the city of Paris, determined the velocity of light: while Foucault a man of the rarest mechanical genius solved the problem without quitting his private room.