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In old churchwardens' account-books we find such entries as the following "To the sextin for watching the sepulture two nyghts viiid." "Paide to Roger Brock for watching of the sepulchre 8d." And as the nights were cold we find an additional item "Paid more to said Roger Brock for syses and colles, 3d."

Nor can I conclude without a word as to the ill-taste of that supplement to your Majesties booklet a tax of Six Shillings & Eighte-Pence uppon euery Pounde-Waighte of Tobacco, ouer & aboue the Custome of Two Pence uppon the Pound-Waighte usuallye paide heretofore. Did your Majestie hope to effect so little by Reason that your Majestie must needs fall back on Reuenue?

All which sommes shall be duly paide each quarter-day out of their wages, and bestowed on the poore, or other godly vse. No. By Miss Emma Roberts.

There was but fewe yeres that they escaped w'thout a greatter losse of their goodes and cattalles, by spoyle or thefte of the Scottes or Ryddesdale men, then would have paide for the pasture of theyr cattail in a much better grounde.

By these our highnesse letters, wee certifie thee, that the right honourable, William Hareborne, Ambassadour in our most famous Porch, for the most excellent Queenes Maiestie of England, in person, and by letters hath certified our highnesse, that a certaine shippe, with all her furniture, and artillerie, worth two thousand duckets, arriuing in the port of Tripolis, and discharged of her lading and marchandize, paide our custome according to order, and againe, the marchants laded their shippe with oyle, which by constraint they were inforced to buy of you and hauing answered in like maner the custome for the same, determined to depart: a Frenchman assistant to the Marchant, vnknowen to the Englishmen, caried away with him another Frenchman indebted to a certaine Moore in foure hundred duckets, and by force caused the Englishmen, and shippe to depart: who neither suspecting fraude, nor deceite, hoised sailes.

I can find no mention of plastering, but the entries of expenditure on whitewashing occur periodically, the first under the year 1633." I turned the old pages and pointed to the entry "Ite paide to George mason for a dayes work about the churche after the Jew had been, and white wassche is vjd." "A Jew? But a Jew had no business in England in those days. I wonder how and why he came."

"Paide for a planke to carve the arms of the Companie iijs." "Paide to the Carver for carvinge the Arms of the Companie xxiijs. iiijd." All three panels are in excellent preservation, and the design of a harp, being a rebus of the Master's name, is a quaint relic of old customs. Some other oak furniture, in the Hall of this ancient Company, will be noticed in the following chapter. Mr.

Wee agreed to relieue them with some supplie of men: but through darkenesse and great winde wee lost them againe. We tooke the King prisoner, who paide for his ransome a Cow and a fat calfe.

The Devonshire justices order, Easter 1598, that every woman who shall have a bastard child shall be whipped: Hamilton, Quarter Session from Eliz. to Anne, 32. Cf. the item: "paide for carriage of an Irish woman into Fynsburie feildes who was delivered of a childe under the stockes." Brooke and Hallen, St. Mary Woolnoth and St. Wilts Quart. Willis Bund, loc. cit. supra, p. 8.

Ryalles of eyght, and were content, that what goodes, soeuer we had taken from them, wee shoulde keepe as our owne, and for our goodes that they had stolen, and forcibly taken from our men within the towne, they would keepe them, and so exchange one for the other, they likewise were content to quit vs of all our debts, that we ought within the towne eyther to the Gouernour or to any other man, and that from thence forwarde we should be free, and traffique in the towne, both to buy and sell when it pleased vs, and with their good willes as we had done, and before we paide our money, the towne was to sende two men aborde our ships, which done we were to pay the halfe of our ransome, which was 1000.