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There’s no time for oysters,” said Mitya. “And I’m not hungry. Do you know, friend,” he said suddenly, with feeling, “I never have liked all this disorder.” “Who does like it? Three dozen of champagne for peasants, upon my word, that’s enough to make any one angry!” “That’s not what I mean. I’m talking of a higher order. There’s no order in me, no higher order. But ... that’s all over.

Lay some oysters over it, and roll the meat up tight and tie it. Stew it in a small quantity of water, with an onion and a few peppercorns, till it is quite tender. Prepare a little good gravy, and some oysters stewed in it; thicken this with flour and butter, and pour it over the mutton when the tape is taken off. The stewpan should be kept close covered.

Here the divers descend to the bottom, and in bags or nets which are tied about their bodies, bring up the oysters which contain the pearls.

They, too, will soon be done. June 4. Added a P.S. to letters. A month gone and no chance to send them. Hard cheese! June 6. Another week will see me in extremis. Wish I had a fishing-line. June 7. Got some oysters. Oh for a good beefsteak or a chop! No sign of any boat. Lord help me! June 9. Nearly skinned the oysters. What will I do when they are finished? June 10. Dull; cold.

The pearl oysters live at the bottom of such deep water, and are so hard to get, that I have often seen a man come up from his search for them with blood running from his ears and nose, the result of staying down so long. Of course such things as divers' suits, and air pumps, were unknown there.

The bread was black and hard, but the other food as usual in France, with wine plenty and cheap, and even some of the round-shelled, coppery oysters captured somehow, in spite of blockades and bombardments just up from Ostend. It was bedtime when we emerged into the black streets again, to discover, with something like surprise, a sky full of stars and a pale new moon.

From these bays, timber, firewood, grain, and oysters are shipped to northern ports. The people are everywhere kind and hospitable to strangers.

Godfrey, after having cut himself a substantial walking-stick, went for two miles along that part of the beach which he did not know, and whose return formed the outstretched point of Phina Island. There he made a first meal of shell-fish, mussels, clams, and especially some capital little oysters which he found in great abundance.

It was a splendid spread, and the two chums, snugly entrenched behind a rampart of hampers, drowned their sorrows and laid their dust in lemonade, and recruited their minds and bodies with oysters and cold beef, and rolls and jam tarts, till the profession of a naturalist seemed to them to be one of the most glorious in all this glorious world.

Its clay banks are full of shells and potteries of every age, and the shallow waters planted with stakes indicating the places where myriads of oysters and mussels are bred indeed, if you look at a map you will observe that the whole of this lagoon, as though to shadow forth its signification, is split up into two basins like an opened oyster.