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It may be mentioned here that the analysis of the samples of air which he had brought down proved them to contain the normal proportion of oxygen, and to be essentially identical, as tested in the laboratory, with the free air secured at the surface of the earth.

In our Nature Cure work we find all the way through that the continued application of warmth has a debilitating effect upon the organism, and that only by the opposing influences of alternating heat and cold can we produce the natural stimulation which awakens the dormant vital energies in the body of the chronic. Increase of Oxygen and Ozone

They adjusted the valves regulating the oxygen supply in their suits, and Stefens slipped back the sliding top of the jet boat. Out on the hull he secured a line to a projecting ring, and ordering Tom to stand by, he pushed himself off the ship into the bottomless void of space. The line trailing behind him, Stefens drifted toward the two helpless figures.

"Why, wasn't that part of the show-off?" asked Pilbury. "Part of the show-off! No!" exclaimed Philpot. "I thought it was the best part of it all," said Cusack. "So did I. No end of a bust up it was." "You see," said Philpot, solemnly, "what I ought to have done was to dilute the oxygen with a little air first, but you fellows flurried me so I forgot all about it."

"I grudge none of the trouble I have taken for the dear boy, but I must decline to remain here as the assistant of Signor Francisco the music-hall cad." "I can imagine it might be painful," said Mr Armstrong drily; "but the immediate thing to be desired is that you should not consume the oxygen in this room. Explanations will do later."

"Thus you will see the absolute need of free oxygen in the nitrification process; and we can control the rate of nitrification to a considerable extent by our methods of tillage.

Having attempted in my last letter to explain to you the simple and admirable office subserved by the oxygen of the atmosphere in its combination with carbon in the animal body, I will now proceed to present you with some remarks upon those materials which sustain its mechanisms in motion, and keep up their various functions, namely, the Aliments.

Two varieties of Ceriactis aurantiaca, one with, the other without, yellow cells, were next exposed, with a precisely similar result. The former never failed to yield abundant gas rich in oxygen, while in the latter series not a single bubble ever appeared.

*The Source of Bodily Energy.*—As already indicated, the energy of the body is supplied through the food and the oxygen. Somewhat as the power of the steam engine is derived from the combustion of fuel in the furnaces, the energy of the body is supplied through the oxidations at the cells.

Then I finally managed to separate oxygen and nitrogen, after trying hard all of one day; and when they thought they saw that I didn't know anything about either one of them or what to do with them after I had them, they gave me up in disgust as a plain dumb ape and haven't paid any attention to me since. So I've got me plenty of kilograms of liquid Vee-Two, all ready to touch off.