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Testa depresso-globosa, superne inferneque convexa, orbicularis, obsolete sub-angulata, pallide aurantiaca, sub lente spiraliter striata; spira obtusa; anfractus 4 1/2, vix convexiusculi; basis imperforata, centraliter sub-impressa; apertura lunata, inferne subangulata; peristoma incrassatum, aurantiacum, reflexum. Diam. maj. 4 1/2, min. 4, alt. 3 mill.

Two varieties of Ceriactis aurantiaca, one with, the other without, yellow cells, were next exposed, with a precisely similar result. The former never failed to yield abundant gas rich in oxygen, while in the latter series not a single bubble ever appeared.

For quickly covering steep, dry banks and mounds where few other plants could exist this European Box Thorn is invaluable. Either species will grow in very poor, dry soil, and is readily propagated by means of cuttings. North America, 1806. This species grows about a yard high, with clustered, ovate leaves, and pretty, pinky, drooping flowers. MACLURA AURANTIACA. Osage Orange, or Bow-wood.