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The men on foot were chin deep in crossing, and we three on ox-back got wet to the middle, the weight of the animals preventing them from swimming. A thunder-shower descending completed the partial drenching of the plain, and gave a cold, uncomfortable "packing in a wet blanket" that night.

"Hans presented me with an ox called 'Spring, which I afterward rode upward of two thousand miles. On the day of our departure he mounted us all on oxen, and a curious sight it was to see some of the men take their seats who had never before ridden on ox-back.

We continued our course, notwithstanding the rain, across the bottom of the Quango Valley, which we found broken by clay shale rocks jutting out, though lying nearly horizontally. The grass in all the hollows, at this time quite green, was about two feet higher than my head while sitting on ox-back.

We entered others enveloped in a wilderness of weeds, so high that, when sitting on ox-back in the middle of the village, we could only see the tops of the huts. If we entered at midday, the owners would come lazily forth, pipe in hand, and leisurely puff away in dreamy indifference.

Dr Livingstone again started on the 26th of January, Shinti sending eight men to assist in carrying his luggage. He had now to quit the canoes and to proceed on ox-back, taking a northerly direction. He and his party received the same kind treatment in the country as before, the villagers, by command of their chiefs, presenting them with an abundance of food.

Rider just before his death, and has been kindly lent for this work by his bereaved mother. Sechele used all his powers of eloquence with Lechulatebe to induce him to furnish guides that I might be able to visit Sebituane on ox-back, while Mrs. Livingstone and the children remained at Lake Ngami. He yielded at last.

Their inability was rather a misfortune; for, in consequence of working too soon after having been bitten by the lion, the bone of my left arm had not united well. Continual hard manual labor, and some falls from ox-back, lengthened the ligament by which the ends of the bones were united, and a false joint was the consequence.

Being on ox-back, I kept pretty close to our leader, and asked her why she did not clothe herself during the rain, and learned that it is not considered proper for a chief to appear effeminate. He or she must always wear the appearance of robust youth, and bear vicissitudes without wincing.

This made a journey to the residence of that chief again necessary, and, for the first time, I performed a distance of some hundred miles on ox-back. Here an occurrence took place concerning which I have frequently been questioned in England, and which, but for the importunities of friends, I meant to have kept in store to tell my children when in my dotage.

Departure from Linyanti for Sesheke Level Country Ant-hills Wild Date-trees Appearance of our Attendants on the March The Chief's Guard They attempt to ride on Ox-back Vast Herds of the new Antelopes, Leches, and Nakongs The native way of hunting them Reception at the Villages Presents of Beer and Milk Eating with the Hand The Chief provides the Oxen for Slaughter Social Mode of Eating The Sugar-cane Sekeletu's novel Test of Character Cleanliness of Makololo Huts Their Construction and Appearance The Beds Cross the Leeambye Aspect of this part of the Country The small Antelope Tianyane unknown in the South Hunting on foot An Eland.