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'I'll have a warrant out foh you dis day, Geddes, you owdacious villyum! "And she done it. Yas'm. An' dey done sont de shariff atter me for witness, all two bofe o' dem." "Well, and what did you do?" I asked, curiously. I was getting a side-light on Great-Aunt Sophronisba. "Me? I got on muh knees an' wrastled wid de speret," said Uncle Adam.

'You owdacious boy! says I. 'Didn't you promise your ma you'd leave off them tricks? 'I'm not going round the guards, says he; 'I promised not.

"Here's one on 'em, sir," said Andrew triumphantly introducing the small trembling form of Frank, "an' t'other's not far off, I reckon." The rector looked more than ever perturbed. "Where was the boy, Andrew?" he asked. "Does he know anything of the matter?" "He was in the loft, and he's just the most owdacious young rascal; says t'other one's gone on before.

He'll be drinking at all the places coming along to get his courage up to bounce me, but there ain't a public-house on the road six miles from this, so the drink will have pretty much died out of him by the time he gets to me, and if I can get him to sit in this rain, and smoke 'backer for five minutes, he won't be particular owdacious. I'll hide the grog, too, between the stones.

"" Willyum Greene Sterett," says my grandfather, lookin' at my father an' beginnin' to bile, "I've put up with a heap from you. You was owdacious as a child, worthless as a yooth, an' a spend-thrift as a young man grown; an' a score of times I've paid your debts as was my dooty as the head of the House of Sterett.

"But," says Dickens, "my 'orse won't stand it; I had him in the shay till eleven last night, and he came forty-three mile with our traveller the day before, else he's a 'good 'un to go, as you know. Do you remember the owdacious leap he took over the tinker's tent, at Epping 'Unt, last Easter? How he astonished the natives within!"

I'll bring its keep, but I love it, and I can't see it killed! That gal don't never let tears fall they jest wet her eyes and make 'em shine. With that she let loose the most owdacious white bantam and scattered some corn on the floor; then she sat down and laughed like an imp when the foolish thing hopped up to her and flopped onter her lap.

The tramp's surprise deepened to dismay when, looking up, he saw the stalwart hunter with stern face looking down upon him. "It was my money," he whined. "Your money, you owdacious liar! Don't tell me that or I'll treat you worse." "But it was. I had hidden it under a tree. I came along just as the boy dug it up.

"He's the most owdacious young gen'leman as ever was, I think; for he's capable, young as he is, not long turned four year old, of doin' a'most anything. Look now at all them things of his as he's brought from home!"

Sam pointed with his foot in the direction where Offitt lay. The policeman lifted the cloth, and dropped it again with a horror which his professional phlegm could not wholly disguise. "Well, of all the owdacious villains ever I struck Who do you think it is?" he asked, turning to his associates. "Who?" "The witness this afternoon, Offitt.