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She knew it was all right. Well, I wouldn't mind stopping in the evenings and helping you. I'd like to. I'm quick. I could get through a lot of work." "Oh, but it wouldn't be fair," he objected. "Why not? I'd love it. See, I'd get overtime." Sally was really prompting Gaga in this last sentence.

Barney congratulated Casey, slapping his great thigh and laughing loudly. "She shore is handy with her tongue that old girl. Ever hear a sawmill workin' overtime? That's her rippin' through knots an' never blowin' the whistle fer quittin' time. I never knowed a man could have as many faults as what she used t' name over fer me." He drained his cup and sighed with great content.

I was just getting fed up with the waiting, and about to go away, when I thought I saw a movement in the trench opposite. Yes! it was. I saw the handle of something like a broom or a water scoop moving above the sandbags. Heart doing overtime again! Most exciting! I felt convinced I should see a Boche before long.

"But I s'pose that's my way most girls talk when they get the chance just the same as it's his way talking too little. But neither ways suggest a fool, Jeff. And anyway the only sort of fool you need to worry with is the fool who don't see and act in a way of his own. My daddy's acting in his own way, and I guess it isn't his way, working overtime with the band playing.

At luncheon, afterwards, in the Directors' Offices, I am able to talk with the leading citizens of the great town. One of them writes some careful notes for me. Their report of labour conditions is excellent. "No organised strikes and few cessations of work to report. Overtime is being freely worked.

But unfortunately these plans lack stability, for they depend altogether upon the generosity and kindness of different employers, instead of upon a just and firmly established business principle. And now comes the question: What method of payment for overtime will produce a permanently satisfactory result?

He liked long hours; he was thoroughly used to overtime, and his boredom in his lodgings was such that he would often arrive at the office before the appointed hour. He asked thirty shillings a week, and Denry in a mood of generosity gave him thirty-one. He gave Denry his whole life, and put a meticulous order into the establishment.

And so members of Parliament and members of the cabinet travel all over the United Kingdom and certainly these days it is united on that service. Even the prime minister and the first lord of the admiralty, Winston Churchill, work overtime in addressing public meetings and making stirring appeals to the young men.

"Besides I've made all my arrangements about my gowns and things." "That can be arranged, too," said Bent. "The dressmaker can work overtime." "That'll mean that everything will be hurried and spoiled," replied Lettie. "Besides, I've arranged everything with my bridesmaids. They can't be expected to " "We can do without bridesmaids," replied Bent, laying his hand on Lettie's arm.

The cost of labor will fall without any reduction in wage rates, as the amount of overtime work is lessened, as employment is concentrated upon the more efficient workers, and as workmen put more energy into their jobs in order to hold them. Such times as these usually lead, furthermore, to the introduction of new or forgotten economies, and to improvements in the method of production.