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The loftiness and stateliness of the room are thereby emphasized, but the effect is less restful. In architectural detail the fireplace and overmantel recall that of the Whitby Hall chimney piece.

"Kitty, if you don't care for your breakfast, perhaps you will go up to your room and make yourself tidy for school." "Oh, am I not tidy now?" asked Kitty, jumping up and running to the glass in the overmantel to survey herself. "By the way, do you like my frock? it is quite new. Don't you think this crimson cotton with the white sash very effective? It is cool, and yet it's gay.

There followed an ingenuous account of his make-up. . . . Eric smiled elastically, stroking his chin and letting his gaze wander round the white panelled walls, the gilt sofa and chairs and the gold and white overmantel the coming of Dionysus to Europe in a chariot drawn by lions. He realized for the first time how much he hated overmantels.

All went to the timber yard every bit except some little pieces worked up in the Lady Chapel, and 'ere in this overmantel. Well I may be mistook, but I say our choir never looked as well since. Still there was a lot found out about the history of the church, and no doubt but what it did stand in need of repair. There were very few winters passed but what we'd lose a pinnicle." Mr.

The ogee molding outlining the overmantel panel is enriched with a larger and a smaller leaf motive in alternation, while the torus of the inner molding of this panel bears a little conventionalized flower in alternation with crossed flat fillets. Altogether more pleasing is the chimney piece in the parlor at Mount Pleasant.

It was only when coming back, carving knife and fork in hand, that she spoke again. “If I hadn’t trusted you I wouldn’t have married you.” Bowed under the overmantel, Mr Verloc, holding his head in both hands, seemed to have gone to sleep. Winnie made the tea, and called out in an undertone: “Adolf.” Mr Verloc got up at once, and staggered a little before he sat down at the table.

When you think that she once had a house and a husband, and a best room with an overmantel and a Brussels carpet, and lost them all, and is contented to be a servant to us, with no prospect of anything for her old age but the workhouse or the charity of relations, and keeps cheery and never makes a moan and never loses her interest in things ..." "But you're not rich," said Jock.

Didn't expect you quite so soon, I expect." Maraton looked around the little sitting-room. It was furnished with a carpet of bright green thrown over a foundation of linoleum, a suite of stamped magenta plush, an overmantel, gilt cornices over the windows, a piano, a table covered with a gaudy tablecloth. On the walls were hung some oleographs.

There's a shop in the Fore Street where they do you everything complete for three rooms for thirty pounds, with a velvet suite for the parlour. Lady's chair, gent's chair, sofa, and four uprights, with chiffonnier, and overmantel, and all. You couldn't wish for anything better. The girl I lived with had only a few odd bits I'd be ashamed to have such a poor sort of parlour.

Such a chimney piece is to be seen in the parlor at Cliveden, its fireplace opening partly closed up to convert it for use with the coal grate shown by the accompanying illustration. In this instance the carved consoles support the shelf rather than the panel of the overmantel, which engages neither the shelf nor the cornice with its prominent double denticulated molding.