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"But Martin's time was come; he died that very night, and Miss Joliffe was terribly cast down, because she feared she had given him an overdose of sleeping-draught; for Ennefer told her he had taken too much, and she didn't see where he had got it from unless she gave it him by mistake.

I've seen that done over and over again. They're starving a baby on bread and water now just over from my room, and it cries and frets and moans all the time it's awake, poor little wretch! I've been in hopes for a week that they'd give it an overdose of paregoric or something else." "We must fix it to-night in some way," answered Pinky. "Where's the room you spoke of?" "In Grubb's court.

"I take it they are in the safe in his bedroom," replied the detective, "and that is locked all right. I think he must have taken an overdose of something and had illusions. "Quite right," said Smith rapidly. His eyes shone like steel. "Lay him on the bed, Inspector." It was done, and my friend walked into the bedroom.

She was not a murderess, as I had believed her to be. If the death of the little hapless child was attributable to an overdose of the cordial, she had certainly not given it purposely. Could I judge her? Yet, an honest, loyal man like Lance ought not to be so cruelly deceived.

You know how good laudanum is to allay pain; and that there is no danger at all in it." "No, me laird, gin ane doesna tak' an ower muckle dose." "Certainly, if one does not take an overdose; but I have knowledge enough not to do that, Cuthbert." "Surely, me laird. I'll gae noo and get it," replied the old man, taking up his hat, and knocking at the door to be released.

That is a direct antidote exerting its function in antagonism to the earlier toxical effects of the opium. In cases where a single overdose has worked the difficulty and produced the coma which Mr. Edgerton's now resembles, it may be given to an old habitue of the drug with as good advantage as to a person whose overdose is his first experience of opium.

I needn't tell you that millions of dollars are spent every year on sleeping pills and patients become dependent upon them, needing more and more pills in order to produce sleep. Many accidental suicides stem from an overdose of sleeping pills.

Fox, when from the other side of the lawn she saw him alight. "Another young man with a valise! It seems to me that this is an overdose!" "Overdoses," remarked Mr. Fox, "are often less dangerous than just enough poison." Mrs. Easterfield received this visitor at the door. She had been waiting for him, and did not wish him to meet anybody when she was not present.

These two statements are wonderfully familiar to me, indeed they have been confided to me in precisely the same words by at least a score of women, young and not so young, who met the compelling man. Maria, I believe you are in love. Your heart is awakened from its stupor, caused by an overdose of intellect. For too much intellect is often a drug which deadens the consciousness of a woman's heart.

And therefore I told him that if he insisted upon running away, he might as well tramp with me and think it over. "I don't quite know yet why I said it. "He reminds me of Kenny somehow, save that Kenny's more of a kid. Both of them have an overdose of temperament and need a guardian with an iron hand. And both have a way about them.