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But here my full heart over-flows; it cannot forget how far Ann exceeds Laura in sweet woman's grace. "Day is breaking, and I can but sigh forth to the morning: 'Lost, lost! I have lost the fairest and the best! "Then I sat long, sunk in thought, looking out of window, across the bare tree-tops in the garden, at the grey mist which seems as though it ended only at the edge of the world.

But here my full heart over-flows; it cannot forget how far Ann exceeds Laura in sweet woman's grace. "Day is breaking, and I can but sigh forth to the morning: 'Lost, lost! I have lost the fairest and the best! "Then I sat long, sunk in thought, looking out of window, across the bare tree-tops in the garden, at the grey mist which seems as though it ended only at the edge of the world.

But here my full heart over-flows; it cannot forget how far Ann exceeds Laura in sweet woman's grace. "Day is breaking, and I can but sigh forth to the morning: 'Lost, lost! I have lost the fairest and the best! "Then I sat long, sunk in thought, looking out of window, across the bare tree-tops in the garden, at the grey mist which seems as though it ended only at the edge of the world.

And I liken her to a precipitous torrent, which when it rages, over-flows the plaines, overthrowes the trees, and buildings, removes the earth from one side, and laies it on another, every one flyes before it, every one yeelds to the fury thereof, as unable to withstand it; and yet however it be thus, when the times are calmer, men are able to make provision against these excesses, with banks and fences so, that afterwards when it swels again, it shall all passe smoothly along, within its channell, or else the violence thereof shall not prove so licentious and hurtfull.