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Contrariwise, you may know someone who vastly over-estimates himself, whose own opinion of himself is at least fifty per cent higher than that of his relatives and immediate acquaintances. If other people, therefore, do not understand themselves, is it not at least probable that you do not understand yourself?

Dyer," said the young girl firmly, even while tears were in her eyes. "My father will not let the place go at a third of its real value." "He over-estimates its worth," replied Dyer, with some impatience, "and he'll find this out when it comes under the hammer." "You will not, I am sure you will not, sacrifice my father's little place, the home of his children," said Mary, in an appealing voice.

"I only did what the occasion seemed to require of me, and I am as thankful as any one can be, that I succeeded in getting the boat to the shore," answered Shuffles. "It was remarkably fortunate that you were at hand, for I don't believe there is another person on the continent of Europe who could have managed the matter so cleverly." "Really, I think your lordship over-estimates my services."

At last Edward, bursting into his hale, clear, silvery laugh, said, "Confess, dear sir and cousin, confess that we are like two skilful masters of Italian fence, each fearing to lay himself open by commencing the attack." "Certes," quoth the archbishop, "your Grace over-estimates my vanity, in opining that I deemed myself equal to so grand a duello.

Perchance man over-estimates his own importance at least underrates that of the animal kingdom below him and is too apt to deem everything in nature wasted that cannot be directly or indirectly connected with himself! Is all that glows in beauty in the wilderness doomed to "blush unseen"? Is all the sweetness expended on the desert air "wasted?"

Perhaps M. Jusserand over-estimates the boldness with which his hero could remind kings that they, like common mortals, were made of mud. He has done so, I imagine, largely in order to clear him from the charge of being a flatterer.

With the modesty of true genius, which never over-estimates or forms wildly sanguine expectations, he thought that each waggon might perhaps carry one ton and a half! Edgeworth also suggested that passengers might travel by such a mode of conveyance. Bold man! What a goose many people of his day must have thought him. If they had been alive now, what geese they might have thought themselves.

No sooner, however, had I got my blue-serge shoulder closer to her white serge shoulder, as we both leaned over the rail, looking back toward the old town founded by great Count Dietrich, than up sidled the lady who sometimes over-estimates her duties as chaperon.

A man who over-estimates his capacities is apt to grow impatient, and even tyrannical, in the presence of difficulties.

Very likely he absurdly over-estimates his talents, and what he could have done if he had had the chance; but it is at least possible that he may have in him the genius of another Follett, wasting sadly and uselessly away.