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And when he had said these things he went into the palace, the Queen leading the way. Then one of the elders said, "There is a nameless fear in my heart; and when I should rejoice for the return of the King and the host, a voice of boding riseth to my lips. If a man be wealthy above measure, let him fling over-board a part, and so escape shipwreck of his house.

I came near pitching off the bowsprit the other day; and, when I scrambled inboard again, I went aft to get a squint at 'em. Why, Bungs, they are all open between the staves. Shame on you! Suppose you yourself should fall over-board, and find yourself going down with buoys under you of your own making what then?"

He was brought up to the navy from his earliest youth, and had been in several actions during the war which began in 1756. In the action between the Bellona and the Courageux, being stationed in the mizen-top, he was carried over-board with the mast; but was taken up without having received any hurt.

In the confusion and hurry of this boisterous sail, Dr Johnson's spurs, of which Joseph had charge, were carried over-board into the sea, and lost. This was the first misfortune that had befallen us.

Johnson's spurs, of which Joseph had charge, were carried over-board into the sea, and lost . This was the first misfortune that had befallen us. Dr.

Well, we were suddenly alarmed by a shout on deck, 'Man over-board! We both rushed up the cabin stairs, naturally under the impression that one of our crew had fallen into the sea: an impression shared, I ought to add, by the man at the helm, who had given the alarm." Sir Joseph paused again.

Oh, why didn't I die, why didn't I die? Why can't I die now? "We had to restrain her, else she would have jumped over-board. It was simply awful. Some of the men apparently had said they could row just to get into the boats. We paid no attention to cowardice, however. We were all busy with our own troubles. My heart simply bled for the women who were separated from their husbands.

The machine seemed fairly to drop from under its occupants, and thirty feet from the water, Dave was lifted from his seat and took a sudden plunge over-board. He went under the surface and came up dazed and nearly stunned. As he floated, dashing the water from his eyes, he saw the Drifter, now a flying boat, cut around a point of rocks, bearing straight down upon him.

If she forgave me being what I am, and I rather think she would, and with Dick liking me as he does why, it struck me as the best thing for yours truly to marry Dick for keeps." "What?" Though Barney's voice was low, it had the effect of a startled and savage roar. "And chuck us over-board?" "Not at all.

"You're all being made fools of," he said, getting up and stamping. "I tell you he pushed me over-board for the purpose." "Oh, father! how can you?" demanded Venia, angrily. "He saved your life." "He pushed me in," repeated the farmer. "Told me to look at a jelly-fish and pushed me in." "What for?" inquired Sergeant Daly. "Because " said Mr. Turnbull.