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Pray, my dear, be careful of your health, if for no other reason but because you know I could not outlive you. It is natural in absence to make professions of an inviolable constancy; but towards so much merit it is scarce a virtue, especially when it is but a bare return to that of which you have given me such continued proofs ever since our first acquaintance. I am," etc.

After several months of great perplexity and anxiety, Boehmer succeeded in gaining an audience of the queen. Passionately throwing himself upon his knees before her, clasping his hands and bursting into tears, he exclaimed, "Madame, I am disgraced and ruined if you do not purchase my necklace. I can not outlive my misfortunes. When I go hence I shall throw myself into the river."

My private grief for its loss would be a matter for my solitary digestion, were it not that the experience through which I have just passed is one so familiar to my fellow-countrymen that, in telling my own reflections and feelings, I am repeating those of great numbers of men and women who have had the misfortune to outlive their birthplace.

Only so can I arouse a desire that will outlive a day; for I know men's hearts to the core, thou blue-eyed babe!" "Señora," I cried, stung by her scornful words, "I cannot say I know men's hearts; but I do know the heart of one true gentleman; and I believe, when he had won from me the betrothal kiss, I was not less desirable in his eyes!" "So you believe," she said, and shook her head.

Well, he is gone, and ere now, those that serve me in the Under-world dost remember? thou sawest their captains in the Sanctuary bend the head at great Ayesha's word and make her place ready near her spouse. "But oh, what folly has been mine. When even here my wrath can show such power, how could I hope that my lord would outlive the fires of my love?

"I'm plenty veteran enough myself, and I don't need anybody's help. I'll have her inside of a we inside of a month. That I'll swear to!" Tom said carelessly: "I suppose that will answer yes, that will answer. But I reckon she is pretty old, and old people don't often outlive the cautious pace of the professional detective when he has got his clues together and is out on his still-hunt."

Half the confusion and fever of the world comes of this vendetta he declares against the hapless innocents who have once done him a wrong. They cannot escape him. They will never outlive it. The father of jokes, he is himself no joke; which it seems the business of men to discover. The days roll round. He is their servant now. Mrs.

All my life I have desired strength of heart and stability of soul; may I not hope to earn for myself a little of the integrity I love in you? If courage, self-denial, and self-help, make you what you are, can I have a more effectual guide? You say you shall outlive this passion; why should not I imitate your brave example, and find the consolations you shall find? Oh, Adam, let me try."

'If our lives are lengthened we outlive most of those we would have to close our eyes. He had a dear sister. 'She died some years back. 'I helped to comfort him for that loss. 'He told me you did. The lamp was replaced on the table. 'For a moment, when I withdraw the light from him, I feel sadness. As if the light we lend to anything were of value to him now! She bowed her head deeply.

Lilburn was a hale, hearty man, looking much younger than his years: he might outlive her, but years of genial companionship might well be hoped for in this world, to be eventually followed by a blissful eternity in another and better land, for they were followers of the same Master, travelling the same road toward the city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.