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By the seventh century before our era they had towns, colonies, and commerce, with much stimulating running hither and thither. We get our first traces of new intellectual enterprise in the Ionian cities, especially Miletus, and in the Italian colonies of the Greeks. Only later did Athens become the unrivaled center in a marvelous outflowering of the human intelligence.

It is so sometimes with a beautiful woman." "Beautiful? Oh, no, Mr. Mayer." "Oh, yes, Miss Alston." Chrystie began to feel as if she was coming to life after a long period of deadness. She had a consciousness of sudden growth, of expanding and outflowering, of bursting into glowing bloom.

I too kept silence, fearing to intrude into the holy places of his thought, although I was tingling with interest in this unsuspected outflowering of romance in Uncle Dick's life. After a time he said gently, "Shall I tell you about it, Master? I mean, do you care to know?" "Yes," I answered, "I do care to know. And I shall respect your confidence, Uncle Dick." "I know that.

Perfect strength can coexist only with perfect knowledge, but neither is attainable by man. Man should pay to be screened from himself, lest his sword fail, lest the Gorgon's head on his breast change him to stone. The gracious, outflowering veil of Balder Helwyse's life had vanished, leaving nakedness. Henceforth he must depend on fence, feint and guard, not on the downright sword-stroke.