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It suffices, therefore, very shortly to repeat what the reader has already gathered from what has gone before; namely, that the question at issue was one which has happened often enough in all governments, one on which the Cabinet was divided, and in which the weaker party was endeavouring to out-trick the stronger.

All right, old Uncle, thought I, if stay you will, then I shall use all a woman's power to beguile you and a woman's wit to out-trick you, so I can make you show your hand. It is going to be a game with the girl as the prize. It is also going to be like playing leap-frog with a porcupine. He has cunning and authority to back him, and I have only my love for Sada.

There he did so out-ambush their ambushes, and out-trick their most cunning warriors, that he hath left a great name among them, and is still remembered there by an Indian word which signifieth 'The long-legged wily one with the eye of a rat. Having at last driven the tribes far into the wilderness he was presented with a tract of country for his services, where he settled down.

It sometimes struck Roland that she would be more real help in a difficult situation if she could get out of the habit of saying "Poof!" "It is nothing," she said. "No?" said Roland. "We easily out-trick them, isn't it? You make a will leaving your money to the Cause, and then where are they, hein?" It was one way of looking at it, but it brought little balm to Roland. He said so.

It suffices, therefore, very shortly to repeat what the reader has already gathered from what has gone before; namely, that the question at issue was one which has happened often enough in all governments, one on which the Cabinet was divided, and in which the weaker party was endeavouring to out-trick the stronger.