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"You ain't going to let up until somebody whispers T.B. in your shell-pink ear; and maybe them two letters will bring you to your senses." "Yes, T.B." "Who's he?" "Gee! you're as smart as a fish on a hook! You oughtta bought a velvet dunce-cap with your lunch money instead of that brown poke-bonnet. T.B. was what I said T.B." "Honest, Hat, I dun'no' " "For Heaven's sake!

You oughtta seen me the day I quit the shipping-room, right over at the Titanic, too, and then see whether you got something to be scared at." "You you used to work there?" "Six years." "I I ain't scared no more, Eddie; honest, I ain't!" "Gee! I should say not! They ain't even sending you up to the farm." "No, no! They're going to get me a job. A regular outdoor, on-the-level kind of a job.

"Not on yer life, I don't!" said Katie, with an ugly frown. "I hate the old dump! I hate every stone in the whole pile! I could tear that nasty green vine down an' stamp on it. I'd like to strip its leaves off an' leave it bare. I'd like to turn the hose off and see it dry up an' be all brown, an' ugly, an' dead. It's stealin' the water they oughtta have over there in the fountain.

Billy was looking on the ground dreaming he was searching for the state line. He had a crazy notion it oughtta be there somewhere. The man in the car stopped and called to him: "How about putting your wheel in the back seat and letting me give you a lift? You look pretty tired."

"You ain't going to let up until somebody whispers T.B. in your shell-pink ear; and maybe them two letters will bring you to your senses." "Yes T.B." "Who's he?" "Gee, you're as smart as a fish on a hook! You oughtta bought a velvet dunce cap with your lunch money instead of that brown poke bonnet. T.B. was what I said T.B." "Honest, Hat, I dunno " "For heaven's sake!

In the foyer she revived a bit and drank gratefully of the water he brought; but the color remained out of her cheeks and the cough would rack her. "I guess I oughtta go home, Charley." "Aw, cut it! You ain't the only girl I've seen give out. Sit here and rest a minute and you'll be all right. Great Scott! I came here to dance." She rose to her feet a bit unsteadily, but smiling. "Fussy!

"You boys oughtta have the doc see you," Hart said gently. "He's down at camp now. One of Em's men had an arm busted by a limb of a tree fallin' on him. I've got a coupla casualties in my gang. Two or three of 'em runnin' a high fever. Looks like they may have pneumonia, doc says. Lungs all inflamed from swallowin' smoke.... You take my hawss and ride down to camp, Dave.

I'd hate to tell you how unpopular popular music is with me." "Huh! You couldn't play on a side-comb, much less play on the piano like Charley does. If I didn't have no more brains than some people honest, I'd go out and kill a calf for some!" "You oughtta talk!

He'd oughtta be through soon now. I'll have him 'tend to Dave's burns right away then," said Crawford. He turned to Sanders. "How about it, son? You sure look bunged up pretty bad." "I'm about all in," admitted Dave. "Reckon we all are. Shorty gone yet?" "Yes. Lit out after he'd made a report. Said he had an engagement to meet a man. Expect he meant he had an engagement not to meet the sheriff.

It's all perfectly throwed away on 'em. Gosh! I'd hate to be such a nut!" "Now, Lizzie, you know you hadn't oughtta talk like that!" reproved her grandmother, "After her giving you all that money fer your own wedding. A thousand dollars just to spend as you please on your cloes and a blow out, and house linens. Jest because she don't care for gewgaws like you do, you think she's a fool.