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It was crowded from the pit to the gallery. The double row of loggias was ablaze with colour; and from them came a light ripple of talk and of laughter, broken loose as the curtain fell, a sound like the running of water over smooth pebbles. The Schultz was ill. So it was advertized all over the foyer on huge yellow placards; and a new Brünnhilde was to take her place.

At a good concert to-night in the foyer of the opera house, Philadelphia the band a small but first-rate one. Never did music more sink into and soothe and fill me never so prove its soul-rousing power, its impossibility of statement.

The main dining-room, to the boy's mind, was an object of special interest. He would purposely sneak up-stairs and sit on one of the soft sofas in the foyer simply to see the well-dressed diners go in and come out. Edward would speculate on whether the time would ever come when he could dine in that wonderful room just once!

Few salons in Paris have so imposing an air as the foyer of the dramatic artists of the Comedie Francaise, a rectangular room of fine proportions, whose walls are adorned with portraits of great actors, representing the principal illustrations of the plays that have been the glory of the house Mademoiselle Duclos, by Largilliere; Fleury, by Gerard; Moliere crowned, by Mignard; Baron, by De Troy, and many others.

It was much like it had appeared to be from below, for it was a large glass sphere that sat on the tower, like the dome on top of a light pole. It was divided in two, and the stairs went right through the bottom half and opened into a circular foyer that then had a small flight of stairs running up to the main room. There were little closets and such in the empty spaces on the bottom floor.

"Libbie, let that be a warning to you Ruth Gladys Royal is terribly romantic, too!" Miss Anderson, smiling and unhurried, marshaled her charges into the large foyer and announced that they would be assigned to rooms before luncheon. "Mrs. Eustice will speak to you in the assembly hall this afternoon," said Miss Anderson. "And you will meet her and the teachers for a little social hour."

It was not until then that he secured control of his nerves and resorted to the stealth and cunning of the real criminal. From that time until he stood shivering and white with dogged intention in a theatre foyer, bent upon establishing an alibi, his movements are scarcely worth the details. Between the acts he saw a dozen men whom he knew and he took drinks with several of them.

"There; you're all right now. I gotta get back to my dance. You fainted right up against him, dearie; and I seen you keel." "Gee, ain't I the limit!" "Here; lemme help you on with your coat. Right there he is, waiting." In the foyer Sara Juke met Charley Chubb shamefacedly. "I spoilt everything, didn't I?" "I guess you couldn't help it. All right?" "Yes, Charley."

In the foyer of the Comedie Francaise there are two pictures by him, representing two generations of Societaires of both sexes. The pictures are not of very original composition, neither are they of beautiful colouring, but they are faithful likenesses, it appears, and rather happily grouped.

War or no war, that old man who wound the clocks was making his rounds softly through the halls from door to door. He was a good soldier, who had heeded Joffre's request that everyone should go on with his day's work. "They're done!" said an American in the foyer. "The French cannot stand up against the Germans anybody could see that! It's too bad, but the French are licked.