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Where could this terrible flood have come from? The mountains in the distance look so peaceful in their snowy robes, so incapable of the rage from which all this desolation must have sprung, that I could scarcely reconcile such terrible results with an origin so apparently inadequate. I questioned Zoega on this point, but not with much success.

On the other hand, although most of the islands in the Pacific which are encircled by barrier-reefs are of volcanic origin, often with the remnants of craters still distinguishable, not one of them is known to have ever been in eruption.

Origin of Holland Its first Count Aggrandizement of Flanders Its growing Commerce Fisheries Manufactures Formation of the County of Guelders, and of Brabant State of Friesland State of the Provinces The Crusades Their good Effects on the State of the Netherlands Decline of the Feudal Power, and Growth of the Influence of the Towns Great Prosperity of the Country The Flemings take up Arms against the French Drive them out of Bruges, and defeat them in the Battle of Courtrai Popular Success in Brabant Its Confederation with Flanders Rebellion of Bruges against the Count, and of Ghent under James d' Artaveldt His Alliance with England His Power, and Death Independence of Flanders Battle of Roosbeke Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, obtains the Sovereignty of Flanders.

Gladstone, in reply to a Boer memorial, wrote as follows: "It is undoubtedly a matter for much regret that it should, since the Annexation, have appeared that so large a number of the population of Dutch origin in the Transvaal are opposed to the annexation of that territory, but it is impossible now to consider that question as if it were presented for the first time.

I had before this remarked to my husband that it was odd she had never called since dining with us; but he made little of it, saying that people who gained their own livelihood ought to be excused from attending to rules which had their origin with another class; and I had thought no more about it, save in disappointment that she had not given me that opportunity of improving my acquaintance with her.

"In fact," he remarks, "from various sources, Gillean can be proved to have been in his grave, long before such a title as Earl of Kildare was known, and nearly two hundred years before the name of Fitzgerald existed." It appears, indeed, undoubted, from ancient records and well-authenticated sources, that the origin of Gillean was derived from the source which has been stated.

I do not myself believe that the suggestion of Sir Henry Maine for he does not, it will be seen, offer it as a confident theory is an adequate account of the true origin of politics. I shall in a subsequent essay show that there are, as it seems to me, abundant evidences of a time still older than that which he speaks of. But the theory of Sir Henry Maine serves my present purpose well.

I suspect this is what made you count on me for a subscription. You thought that I, having a little money of my own, might be tempted by certain sycophantic instincts to emulate his misplaced generosity. But I am not a snob. From the social point of view I don't care a tuppenny damn for anyone. On the other hand, my origin has given me something of Dr.

But especially are they seen in one little group of poems—“The Valentines to her Mother”—in regard to which Christina left the following pencilled note:— “These Valentines had their origin from my dearest mother’s remarking that she had never received one. Mrs.

What is your name, child, and where were you brought up? You must have a romantic history." Rena gave her name and a few facts in regard to her past. The lady was so much interested, and put so many and such searching questions, that Rena really found it more difficult to suppress the fact that she had been white, than she had formerly had in hiding her African origin.