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Three hundred scholars traveled at his expense through different lands. Righteous judgments were ascribed to him, and oracular sayings. He was made the ideal ruler of Oriental fancy. His real character fell much below the later popular conception. He behaved like an Eastern despot towards all his kindred who stood in his way.

We have already spoken of the Oriental extravagance of the language used in the scandal, which might pass in Persia or Central Arabia, where wild hyperbole is permitted by the genius of the language, and where people are accustomed to it in conversation, understand it perfectly, and make unconscious allowance for it.

Therefore, we must ask you to consider with us, in this lesson, some further teachings regarding the Unity of Life. All the schools of the higher Oriental thought, as well as many of the great philosophical minds of the Western world, have agreed upon the conception of the Unity of Life the Oneness of All Life.

The conflicts of the nations settled in the lowlands with the mountainous peoples, eager for spoil and conquest, are a characteristic feature of Oriental History. As a rule, in the oriental mind, the intuitive powers eclipse the severely rational and logical. Civilization as, for example, in Egypt and China attains to a certain grade, and is there petrified.

James, to crown all, said he had no doubt that his friends, the Directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, would make Mr.

Our hotel was an oriental building, situated on an island at the further side of the Nile. Formerly the palace of a dead Khedive, who had built it in honour of the visit of an Empress, it had a vast reception hall with a great staircase. There, with separated rooms, as in London, we remained for three months. I was enthralled.

The Armenian shopkeeper, in a gold-trimmed coat of fine blue cloth, stood at the open door through which piles of folded bright-coloured kerchiefs were visible and, conscious of his own importance and with the pride of an Oriental tradesman, waited for customers.

Among them was vengeance and wild justice, and the thing that comes down through innumerable years in the Oriental mind that the East is greater than the West; that now and then the East must prove itself against the West with all the cruelty of the world's prime.

After dinner, which was of the usual Oriental kind, but included the wine of the Lebanon, he was conducted into a small chamber where sat the lady prophetess.

The assumption of the Christian Science devotee, that there is anything new in the postulate that "all is spirit," is possible only because of his ignorance of Oriental philosophy, as will be seen later on in these pages, when we take up the relative comparison between the Oriental and the Occidental systems of "salvation."