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Otheller jaws him a spell & then cuts a small hole in his stummick with his sword. Iago pints to Desdemony's deth bed & goes orf with a sardonic smile onto his countenance.

Pull down the works and build fresh, and buy some new machinery? And then most likely not make a do of it after all? Not for me, old chap! I've 'ad enough. You won't catch me chuckin' good money after bad in that way. 'Nor me neither, said Rushton. 'Dead orf! remarked Didlum, very decidedly. Sweater laughed quietly. 'I'm not such a fool as to suggest anything of that sort, he said.

Partington, I'm off to put meself inside of a clean jacket and make sure the cockroaches ain't holding a family sing-song on my best white table-cloth. Say, that young ole man of ours don't stop 'arf way up the ladder, once 'e starts climbing. Gets to the top rung 'e does stright orf, s'elp me. And tikes 'is ease there, seemingly, as to the manner born.

Now every body's orf everywhere; the whole dratted country sims flying to pieces. Wonder they all get back. Orf to Brighton indeed! Anybody want to buy 'orses?" "You can't say I bin to Brighton, father," said Tom. "Nor don't want to go," said Jessica sharply; "creering about and spendin' your money."

"An' strewth! when the Doctor sent for me an' pyde me orf ... full wages right on up to the end o' the year, an' the syme to Morris an' the 'ouse'old staff, tellin' us e's goin' on a voyage, I s'ys to 'er, 'It's come!" "On a voyage! Where?" "Oh, carn't you guess?" cried the woman on the ground, desperately looking up with tragic eyes out of a swollen, tear-stained face.

'E wasn't the sort of fellow to hurry hisself out o' the world. He liked life too jolly well. Besides, he 'ad a tidy bit o' money in the Savin's Bank. 'E was well orf once, wer' Lanky. Excuse me for interruptin'." "Well, if he didn't commit suicide," I remarked, "then, according to all appearances, poison was administered to him wilfully."

When 'e's been checked we allus walks 'im orf, 'E ain't fit to be spoke to those times nor 'e ain't fit to leave alone neither. So we takes 'im till 'e is." Mulvaney raised his head, and stared straight into the sunset. "I had my rifle," said he, dreamily, "an' I had my bay'nit, an' Mullins came round the corner, an' he looked in my face an' grinned dishpiteful.

Thoughts of the ghosts of Raleigh, of Mary Queen of Scots and of Lady Jane Grey seemed to steady his gait and to hasten his footsteps. In a few moments we saw just ahead of us David Copperfield and Mr. Peggotty following a woman whom we could make out walking excitedly a block ahead. It was Martha, intent on suicide. "We'll get to the dock first and 'ead 'er orf," said 'Awkins.

Indeed, Mulvaney seemed needlessly anxious; but I knew that he looked after Ortheris in a fatherly way. "Let me talk, let me talk," said Ortheris, dreamily. "D'you stop your parrit screamin' of a 'ot day, when the cage is a-cookin' 'is pore little pink toes orf, Mulvaney?" "Pink toes!

"You can't blow your own nose," sez he. Now, I cannot tell fwhat Mullins's expayrience may ha' been, but, Mother av God, he was nearer to his death that minut' than I have iver been to mine and that's less than the thicknuss av a hair! 'Yes, said Ortheris calmly, 'you'd look fine with all your buttons took orf, an' the Band in front o' you, walkin' roun' slow time.