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They are to lie on the same ordinates. If this is done, each division of the base corresponds to the same proportionate number of individuals, and a complete comparison is made possible. On the ground of such a comparison we may thus assert that, fluctuations, however different the organs or qualities observed, are the same whenever their curves are seen to overlap one another.

The question is to know at every moment the quantity of coulombs produced by the pile. The apparatus traces a curve whose ordinates give the number of coulombs sought. We might find a large number of analogous applications. The apparatus is represented in the accompanying figure.

After a few evenings, prolonged into the peaceful watches of the night, I become aware, to my great surprise, that my teacher, the past master in those hieroglyphics, is really, more often than not, my pupil. He does not see the combinations of the abscissas and ordinates very clearly. I make bold to take the chalk in hand myself, to seize the rudder of our algebraical boat.

Parachute fires and port-fires are used to advantage in the operation of signaling. La Nature. By GUSTAVE SONNENBURG. To avoid the long and time-consuming laying out of a boat by ordinates and abscissas, I have constructed a handy apparatus, by which it is possible without much trouble to obtain the sections of a vessel graphically and sufficiently accurate.

A clear conception of this fact led almost immediately to the Method of Tangents of Fermat and Barrow; and this again is the stepping-stone to the Differential Calculus, itself a particular application of that instrument. Dr. Barrow regarded the tangent as merely the prolongation of any one of these infinitely small sides, and demonstrated the relations of these sides to the curve and its ordinates. His work, entitled "Lectiones Geometricae," appeared in 1669. To his high abilities was united a simplicity of character almost sublime. "Tu, autem, Domine, quantus es geometra!" was written on the title-page of his Apollonius; and in the last hour he expressed his joy, that now, in the bosom of God, he should arrive at the solution of many problems of the highest interest, without pain or weariness. The comment of the French historian conveys a sly sarcasm on the Encyclopedists: "On voit au reste, par-l

Upon this line the vertical ordinates may be set off at equal distances, or upon any base line parallel to it; but the usual course is to erect the ordinates on the atmospheric line. Q. Will you give an example of an indicator diagram? The atmospheric line is represented by the line o o.

XABCX is an ideal indicator card, taken from a cylinder, imagined to be 600 feet long, in which the piston, making one stroke per minute, has therefore a piston speed of 600 feet per minute. Divide this card into any convenient number of ordinates, distant dx feet from each other, writing upon each the absolute pressure measured upon it from the zero line XX.

To find these speeds we load the brake to different weights, and plot the resulting speeds and horse powers as abscissae and ordinates producing the curve, BB. Another curve, e = B/E made with an arbitrary scale, gives the commercial efficiency; the speed for a maximum external horse power is o a, and the speed for the highest efficiency is represented by o b.

Here we must remember that the mutual distance of the ordinates has been a wholly arbitrary one in all our previous considerations. And so it is, as long as only one curve is considered at a time. But as soon as two are to be compared, it is obvious that free choice is no longer allowed. The comparison must be made on a common basis, and to this effect the quartiles must be brought together.

"But how much do you know of prismoidal formulae, or logarithmic secants? not to speak of segmental ordinates, or the cycloidal calculus; or even of adiabatic expansion, or torsional resistance, or the hydrostatic paradox, or the coefficient of friction? Now, these things are the very A B C of mechanics, as you'll find to your utter confusion."