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As Lord Lyons took a great interest in the solution of the question of blockade, and as the chief clerk was the oraculum in this question, these combined facts may give some clue to the anonymous advice sent to Lord Lyons, and mentioned in the month of April.

He drew out the Oraculum, by which the Man of Destiny had ordered the least affairs of his life, and read down through the thirty-two questions. Only once on each day could he consult the mystic oracle, and once only in each month on the same subject, lest the fates be outworn by his insistence.

Where the seventh line from the side met the ninth from the top there occurred the letter O. Denver turned to the Oraculum and on the page marked O he found thirty-two answers, each starred with a different combination of dots. The seventh answer from the top was the one he sought it said: "Fear not, if thou are prudent."

With this mysterious Oraculum, the Man of Destiny had solved the many problems of his life; and in question thirteen, that sinister number, was a test that would serve Denver well: "Will the FRIEND I most reckon upon prove faithful or treacherous?"

We encamped not at all far from the deep hole, and at first were too hot and tired after our tremendous clamber to look round, but my husband found it in his sunset stroll, and came and called to me to hurry out while light yet lingered in such joyful tones that I asked, 'Is it Dianæ Oraculum? One of these people had fever and another neuralgia. We found neuralgia pretty common in Arabia.

There was destiny in everything, and this woman who had saved his life could save it again with her Oraculum. Denver turned to the Mexican who, with two heavily-packed mules, stood patiently awaiting his pleasure; and with a brief nod of the head he strode down the trail while the mules minced along behind him.

And now, when he referred the whole business to the Oraculum it said: "Fear not, if thou art prudent." He paced up and down on the smooth ledge of rock that made up the entrance to his home and as he sunk his head in thought a voice came up to him out of the blackness of the town below.

'You seem to be the Oraculum of the hay-fields, sir, he continued, turning to me with a delightfully humorous expression on his face. 'Have you any other Delphic utterance? 'Only this, I said, 'that people who do not like being given the lie should tell the truth. 'May I be permitted to guess your Christian name, sir? Is it Martin, perchance?

He spread out a sheet of paper on his littered table and dashed off the five series of lines, and then he counted each carefully and made the dots at the end two dots for the two lines that came even and one for those that came odd. The first two came odd, the next two even, the last one odd again; and under that symbol the Oraculum Key referred him to section B for his answer.

Mother Trigedgo had said that he should be brave, nevertheless very well then, he would dare oppose Murray. But now to choose between the two, between the Professor's stringer of gold and Bunker's vein of silver with the ill will of Murray attached. Denver pondered them well and at last he lit a candle and referred it to Napoleon's Oraculum.