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Apply at night; requires thorough washing next morning. HELONIAS COMPOSITION: Helonias, fifteen grains; Squaw wine, sixty grains; Viburnum Opulus, fifteen grains; Caulophyllum, fifteen grains; syrup, two ounces. Dose: Teaspoonful every two hours. LEUCORRHOEA: Ext. Hyoscyamus, one dram; ext. Hamamelis, one dram; tannic acid, one dram; ext.

The large, almost globular flower heads hanging from every branch tip, are too well-known to require description, and have made the shrub one of the most popular in ornamental planting. V. PAUCIFLORUM is a native of cold, moist woods from Labrador to Alaska, and may best be described as a miniature V. Opulus.

The Opulus is another plant, which contains some unprolific flowers. In like manner some tribes of insects have males, females, and neuters among them: as bees, wasps, ants.

Against a sunny wall and in a cosy nook it may occasionally be found doing fairly well, but it is not to be generally recommended. V. NUDUM. American Withe Rod. Canada to Georgia, 1752. This is also worthy of being included in a selection of these shrubs. V. OPULUS. Guelder Rose. A native shrub of great beauty, whether in foliage, flower, or fruit.

The Berberry is an exceedingly useful shrub with which to work up vivid color-effects in winter. It shows attractively among other shrubs, is charming when seen against a drift of snow, but is never quite so effective as when its richness of coloring is emphasized by contrast by the sombre green of a Spruce or Balsam. Our native Cranberry Viburnum opulus is one of our best berry-bearing shrubs.