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"Iam iam non domus accipiet te Iaeta, neque uxor Optima, nee dulces occurrent oscula nati Praeripere et tacita pectus dulcedine tangent: Non poteris factis florentibus esse, tuisque Praesidium: misero misere" aiunt, "omnia ademit Una dies infesta tibi tot praemia vitae...."

Vidi egomet plurimos non modo aegrotorum in tentoriis otiari, verum etiam foedatus ita secure induere vestes aut iisdem in stragulis cubare, ac si optima ibi adesset sanitas.

But this was unusually "hard luck," and the pots sometimes held good as long as three months. "And what becomes of the old ones?" asked Optima, sympathetically. "Oh, they are all used over again, Miss. There must be a proportion of burnt clay mixed with the raw, or it would be too rich to harden." "And what is the proportion?" "About one-third of the cooked clay, and two-thirds of the raw."

The door was very small, or it might have been already too late, when Optima touched the shoulder of this modern Parsee, and suggested, calmly, "If you burn your eyes out here, my dear Miselle, you will be unable to see anything else."

With the foolish daring characteristic of her sex, Miselle stole out a finger to touch the remorseless arm as it shot outward, but Optima detected and arrested the movement, with a grave "For shame!" and at the same moment a man suddenly emerged from behind the body of the monster, and, approaching the venturous intruder, bawled in her ear,

Not feeling herself worthy to join this sublimated throng, Miselle hastily communicated the idea to Optima, and proposed a sudden retreat, but was smilingly bidden to first consider for a moment the operations of four workmen close at hand, two of whom, kneeling upon the ground, grasped the handles of two little presses, very like aggravated bullet-moulds, while the other two, bringing little masses of glass upon the ends of their blow-sticks and dropping them carefully into the necks of the moulds, proceeded to blow through the pipe until the air forced out a quantity of the glass in the form of a great bubble at the top of the mould.

"At non domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optima, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati Præripère, et tacitâ pectus dulcedine tangent." Lucret.

Vidi egomet plurimos non modo aegrotorum in tentoriis otiari, verum etiam foedatus ita secure induere vestes aut iisdem in stragulis cubare, ac si optima ibi adesset sanitas.

"'Twould take off a man's head, Miss, as easy as a pipe-stem!" Miselle nodded, without attempting a defence, and the man added presently, "'Undred 'oss power, Miss. Drives all the works." "Do come out, Miselle! I shall go crazy in another minute!" screamed Optima; and the two young women hastened to overtake the rest of the party, who were already in the street.

"But, really, how could one describe the shape of these creatures?" asked Optima aside of Miselle, as she stood contemplating a completed monster. "By comparing them to an Esquimaux lodge, with one little arched window just at the spring of the dome. Doesn't that give it?" "Perhaps. I never saw an Esquimaux lodge; did you, my dear?"