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It won't do. I can't consent. I can't have you throwin' away golden opportoonities to work like a toojan for them as'll stint you in the wash, an' prob'ly give you oleo-margerine instead of butter, an' cold-storage eggs that had forgot there was such a thing as a hen, long before they ever was laid away.

Missis keeps me so busy that I haven't time." "Ah!" said Gillie, "you're wastin' of precious opportoonities, Susan. I've bin a-studdyin' of that lingo myself, now, for three weeks off and on." "Indeed!" exclaimed Susan, with an amused glance, "and what do you think of it?" "Think of it! I think it's the most outrageous stuff as ever was.

Young Har ain't got no right to be a millionaire; 'is money's wasted on 'im he neglects 'is opportoonities shameful eh, shameful! What I say is what's the use of bein' a millionaire if you don't air your millions?" Hereupon Mr. Jenkins rocked himself to and fro over his banjo in a polite ecstasy of mirth. "Oh, by Jove!" he gasped, "if that ain't infernal clever, I'll be shot!

"Ay you've larned to use a 'ammer purty well, considerin', though you be wastin' your opportoonities shameful, Peter, shameful." "Am I, Ancient?" "Ay, that ye be moon can't last much longer she be on the wane a'ready!" "Moon?" said I, staring. "Ah, moon!" nodded the old man; "theer's nowt like a moon, Peter, an' if she be at the full so much the better."

"I shall never return," says Easy Aaron, an' he shakes his head plenty disconsolate. "Genius has no show in Yellow City. This outfit hangs a gent's clients as fast as ever he's retained an' offers no indoocements opens no opportoonities, to a ambitious barrister."" Colonel Sterett Relates Marvels.

The Squire knows how much of his land I have under my hand now, and your reverence is acquainted with the years I've been churchwarden. "Reverend Sir. I am proud to have rose by my own exertions. I never iggerantly set myself against improvements and opportoonities."