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"What is this?" said Lana sharply; but he lifted an impatient hand and went on in his quick, interested manner, to detail to me the plan he had conceived for striking Amochol at Catharines-town, in the very midst of the Onon-hou-aroria.

Or if they have not made of her a priestess a sorceress perhaps The Dreaming Prophetess of the Onon-hou-aroria! by reason of her throat being white!" "What!" I exclaimed, startled. "Did not the Erie boast a Prophetess to confound us all?" "I did not comprehend."

Witchcraft, the frenzied worship of goblins, ghouls, and devils, the sacrifice to Biskoonah, all these have little by little taken the place of the grotesque but harmless rites practiced at the Onon-hou-aroria. Amochol has made it sinister and terrible beyond words; and it is making of the Senecas a swarm of fiends from hell itself. "This, sir, is the truth.

The first, a tawny, slender, mocking thing, flung wide her arms. "Look, Sorceress! I dreamed of a felled sapling and a wolverine! What means my dream?" And the slim, white figure, head bowed in her dark hair, answered quietly: "O dancer of the Na-usin, who wears okwencha at the Onon-hou-aroria, yet is no Seneca, the felled sapling is thou thyself.

"I shall remember," said I in a low voice to the Sagamore, "that the Onon-hou-aroria is to be celebrated in Catharines-town on the last day of August." He nodded, then: "A Mohican Sagamore insults a dirty priest of Amochol! I do you honour by offering you battle, with knife, with hatchet, with rifle, with naked hands! Choose, spawn of Atensi still-born kitten of Iuskeha, choose!

"For I daily pray to the One, and I have the promise of the other that before our marching army alarms Catharines-town, I and my Indians and Boyd and his riflemen shall strike the Red Priest there at the Onon-hou-aroria." "What is that, Euan?" "Their devil-rites an honest feast which they have perverted.

Truly, our nerves had been somewhat shattered, for as we rose and resumed pack and sack, a distant partridge drumming on his log startled us all; and it was as though we had thought to hear the witch-drums rolling at the Onon-hou-aroria, and the hawk mewing seemed like the Sorcerers calling "Hiou! Hiou! Hiou!"

I have spoken with my Indians, and they believe this can be accomplished, because we have learned that on the last day of this month the secret and debased rites of the Onon-hou-aroria will be practiced at Catharines-town; and every Sorcerer will be there." "Do you propose to go out in advance on this business?" "It must be done that way, sir, if we can hope to destroy this Sorcerer.

But on Tuesday our army will surely march, laying waste the Indian towns and fields. Therefore, giving them ample time for this, they should arrive at this spot on Wednesday." "I have so calculated," said Boyd, listlessly. "But Wednesday is the first day of September; and if we are to strike Amochol at all it must be done during the Onon-hou-aroria. And that ends on Tuesday.