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Ey ha' important information to gie ye. What win yo say when ey tell yo that Jem Device, Elizabeth Device, an' her dowter Jennet are here aw breedin mischief agen yo, Ruchot Assheton, and Alizon?" "The devil!" ejaculated Nicholas. "Eigh, yo'n find it the devil, ey con promise ye, onless their plans be frustrated," said Nance. "That can be easily done," replied Nicholas.

No more did I, he says. 'Onless, he says, 'they shoot pitchforks, he says, 'they'll niver hur-rt ye, he says. 'Ye'll be onvincible, he says. 'Ye'll pro-ceed into th' harbor, he says, 'behind th' sturdy armor iv projuce, he says. 'Let ye'er watchword be "Stay on th' far-rm," an' go on to victhry, he says. 'Gin'ral, says Cap Brice, 'how can I thank ye f'r th' honor? he says.

I gets trailed off that a-way after pore old Rainbow Sam, an' Slim Jim escapes my mem'ry complete. "Which the story of this gent, even the little we-alls knows, is a heap onusual. No one, onless he's the postmaster, ever does hear his name.

For ye know yerself, Rover, that no vagabond would ever come to a cabin where ye and me be onless we axed him to. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

'But fwhat manner av use is ut to me goin' out widout a dhrink? The ground's powdher-dhry underfoot, an' ut gets unto the throat fit to kill, wailed Mulvaney, looking at me reproachfully. 'An' a peacock is not a bird you can catch the tail av onless ye run. Can a man run on wather an' jungle-wather too? Ortheris had considered the question in all its bearings.

I'm thinking that the Boneens are short-sighted. It was a friend of Mulcahy's, or a man in the same trade. They'd a deal better ha' taken his beer, returned Dan reflectively. 'Better still ha' handed him up to the Colonel, said Horse Egan, 'onless but sure the news wud be all over the counthry an' give the reg'ment a bad name.

It's the completest case of stampede I ever turns out to behold. "No; this yere Todd never gathers the rights of the eepisode. He's that peevish an' voylent by nacher no one tells him it's Jaybird; an' onless, in the light of knowin' more, he has since figgered out the trooth, he allows to this day a rattlesnake as big as a roll of blankets tries to recline on his face that time.

"I never dispute a man's sintimints," said Terry, "onless it happens to disagraa with me own, so I'll say ye are right because we think the same way; but it's within me own ricolliction that whin ye enj'yed the honor of our coompany night before last, ye kipt guard all the night; Frederick and mesilf will now return the coompliment and take charge of the honors oursilves.

"Damme, ef I don't hate cities an' big towns," ejaculated Uncle Josh, breaking out of a long, meditative silence, "you kain't keep no dogs there ... onless they're muzzled ... and no ferrets, neither ... and what 'ud be the use if you could?... there ain't nothin' to hunt anyhow ... wisht we lived back on thet old muddy hilltop agin."

Then, with this trifling advantage, he retreated, while Lamacraft and Ted brought up the rear. "So theer's an end of that. Now us'll fall to wi' no worse appetites," declared Miller. "An' as to Will," he added, "'fore you chaps go, just mind an' judge no man till you knaw what's proved against him. Onless theer's worse behind than I've larned so far, I'm gwaine to stand by un."