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Take good Rump-Beef Steaks, and season them with Pepper and Salt; then lay them into the Pan, and pour in a little Water; then add a bunch of sweet Herbs a few Cloves, an Anchovy, a little Verjuice, an Onion, and a little Lemon-Peel, with a little bit of Butter, or fat Bacon, and a Glass of White Wine.

Fry slowly until the ham and onions are golden. Then take off the stove, add two tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of Parmesan cheese grated; mix well and serve. 10 mushrooms if canned, or 5 or 6 if fresh ones 3/4 of a cup of rice Chop up a little onion, parsley, celery, and carrot together, and put them on the fire with two tablespoons of good olive-oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Fill the tomatoes with this mixture, dip them in egg and bread crumbs, then fry till nice and brown. Simmer for fifteen minutes in a covered saucepan four cups chopped tomatoes, four eggs, one sliced onion, one bay leaf, and sprig of parsley. Strain and if there be not two cups of liquid, add water. Beat four eggs and add to liquid.

Put in also generous lumps of butter rolled in flour, slices of fat bacon, strips of crust an inch wide and three inches long, a little minced onion, celery or shredded green pepper if the flavors are approved, and a tiny pod of Cayenne pepper. Pour in cold water till it stands half way up the birds.

Pour this over the beans and serve. Cover the bottom of the salad bowl with crisp Romaine or lettuce; arrange over the top alternate slices of hard-boiled eggs and boiled beets. Sprinkle with finely chopped onion, cover with French dressing, toss and serve.

A delicious whiff of it had struck their nostrils even before the cabin door had opened that and a perfume of coffee; but not until now did the fragrance of the oven and the pan smite them with all its potency. "Mallards fattened on wild rice, and a rabbit my favourite a rabbit roasted with an onion where his heart was, and well peppered," gloated the Little Missioner.

As the Master of Ravenswood was about to reply, the door of the hall opened, and Caleb Balderstone rushed in. Let them have meat enough, woman half a hen; There be old rotten pilchards put them off too; 'Tis but a little new anointing of them, And a strong onion, that confounds the savour. Love's Pilgrimage.

Prepare a pair of fine young ducks, the same as for roasting, place them in a stewpan together with two or three slices of bacon, a carrot, an onion stuck with two cloves, and a little thyme and parsley. Season with pepper, and cover the whole with a broth, adding to the broth a gill of white wine. Place the pan over a gentle fire and allow the ducks to simmer until done, basting them frequently.

If several varieties of the cabbage, radish, onion, and of some other plants, be allowed to seed near each other, a large majority, as I have found, of the seedlings thus raised will turn out mongrels: for instance, I raised 233 seedling cabbages from some plants of different varieties growing near each other, and of these only 78 were true to their kind, and some even of these were not perfectly true.

Passing beyond the Propaganda, we come to a lofty pillar of the Corinthian order, situated at the commencement of the Piazza di Spagna. It is composed of a kind of gray Carystian marble called cipollino, distinguished by veins of pale green rippling through it, like the layers of a vegetable bulb, on account of which it is popularly known as the onion stone.