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Cut sandwich bread into slices one-quarter of an inch thick; cut each slice into four small triangles; dry them in the oven slowly until they assume a delicate brownish tint, then serve either hot or cold. A nice way to serve them is to spread a paste of part butter and part rich creamy cheese, to which may be added a very little minced parsley.

Taking as a standard the value of the assignat when there were two billions in circulation, this law declared that, in payment of debts, one-quarter should be added to the amount originally borrowed for every five hundred millions added to the circulation.

Make a double rule of sponge cake; bake it in round deep patty-pans; when cold cut out the inside about one-quarter of an inch from the edge and bottom, leaving the shell.

The bear family was so varied, and so enormously large, Brunie explained to them, that she did not even know one-quarter of her own brown bears who lived in Northern Europe. She told them, too for she was a very intelligent mother-bear that in whatever country bears lived they were peculiarly adapted to it.

The Widow smiled with a feeling of triumph at having overcome her difficulties and arranged her party, arose and stood before her glass, three-quarters front, one-quarter profile, so as to show the whites of the eyes and the down of the upper lip.

Boil the macaroni in salt and water until soft; drain it well and cut into rings about one-quarter inch long; have some small cups shaped like egg-cups; grease the sides slightly and place in the bottom of each cup a circular piece of cold boiled ham, fitting closely.

Both of Mars' moons are vastly nearer her than is our moon to Earth; the nearer moon being but about five thousand miles distant, while the further is but little more than fourteen thousand miles away, against the nearly one-quarter million miles which separate us from our moon.

Then you say north one-quarter, one-half, three-quarters, then the next sub-division is North by East with the same fractions of degrees. We go on as you will see by following the card, as follows, North Northeast; Northeast by North; Northeast; Northeast by East; East Northeast; East by North; East.

If no tomato paste is available make the tomato sauce as follows: Chop up fine one-quarter of an onion, a piece of celery the length of a finger, two or three basil-leaves, and a small bunch of parsley. Stir occasionally, and when it becomes as thick as cream, strain, and add the macaroni as before directed. Take one-half pound of beef without fat.

Very little power is necessary to perform the actual work of lifting, with either steam or hydraulic elevators, but on account of the peculiar application of the power, and the great amount of friction to be overcome, a very considerable power has to be provided. It has been estimated, by good authorities, that not more than one-quarter of the power expended in most cases is really utilized.