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So I might as well leave a one-line space right here to avoid using the double and single quotation marks, which are a nuisance to all concerned. I will merely say that Ma Pettengill spoke in part as follows, and at no time during the interview said modestly that she would prefer not to have her name mentioned. Mind you, I don't say war's a good thing, even for them that come out of it.

There are two extremes to be considered: Copying the title literally and in full, however prolix; and reducing all title-pages, by a Procrustean rule, to what we may call "one-line titles." Who will say that the last form of title does not convey substantially all that is significant of the book, stripped of superfluous verbiage?

Then begins a beautifully dispassionate and highly dignified recital of the salient facts connected with our career, which may run to a couple of sticks, or, even, did our activities command it, turn the column. Or, suppose for the sake of our discussion that your achievements have not been quite of the first rank. You get a one-line head, a sub-head, and a couple of paragraphs.

As a matter of fact the "Weekly Arizonian" of May 15, 1869, gives only about four inches under a one-line head to the battle between Tully & Ochoa's wagon-train and three hundred Apaches, and in order to get the details of the fight one must go to men who heard its particulars narrated by survivors.

To-night a threat of rain in the firmament, with clouds gathering and a murky twilight. Being of a nature more or less sensitive to atmospheric influences, I feel a corresponding gloominess. Was particularly struck by one-line phrase: "So very good of you to think of me!" Weather clearing and promising!

There was a sort of tradition that the first half-dozen paragraphs should be topical. The rest might be topical or not, as occasion served. The column usually opened with a one-line pun Gresham's invention. Gresham was a man of unparalleled energy and ingenuity. He had created several of the typical characters who appeared from time to time in "On Your Way," as, for instance, Mrs.

"Well, a body is bound to admit that for just a modest little one-line ad, it's a corker." So the poor colporteur's griefs vanished away. He was a brave fellow, and had done mighty feats of arms in his time.

Thus I was relieved of the disagreeable task of trying to induce George to leave England, and was very thankful to escape it. After a long silence, during which he read the one-line letter many times, he asked: "Are you willing to bring Frances to me early to-morrow morning, if she will come?" "Doubtless I can," I answered.

Belloc is not one of those disciples of realism who believe that the art of conversation is dead, and that modern people are only capable of addressing each other in one-line sentences. He has the traditional love of the fine speech such as we find it in the ancient poets and historians and dramatists and satirists.

"Well, a body is bound to admit that for just a modest little one-line ad, it's a corker." So the poor colporteur's griefs vanished away. He was a brave fellow, and had done mighty feats of arms in his time.