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It may be tough, or it mayn't; it may be bitter, an' it mayn't, for what I knows to the contrairywise; but, oncest on a time, this niggur chawed a varmint that wa'n't much sweeter, if it wur as sweet." "What was it, Rube?" "What was it?" asked several in a breath, curious to know what the old trapper could have eaten more unpalatable than the viands already named.

"English beetles," said Psmith, "don't make cats thin. Passing lightly " "I had a cat oncest," said Mr. Jarvis, ignoring the remark and sticking to his point, "dat ate beetles and got thin and used to tie itself into knots." "A versatile animal," agreed Psmith. "Say," Mr. Jarvis went on, now plainly on a subject near to his heart, "dem beetles is fierce. Sure.

Yis, kummerade, Walt Wilder, for oncest in in his kureer, air in a difeequelty; an' thet difeequelty air bein' fool enuf to fall in love the which he hez dun, sure, sartin." Hamersley gives a shrug of surprise, accompanied with a slight glance of indignation. Walt Wilder in love! With whom can it be?

Southart this Staked Plain hain't no endin' till ye git down to the Grand River below its big bend, an' that ain't to be thort o'. By strikin' east, a little southart, we mout reach the head sources o' the Loozyany Red; an' oncest on a stream o' runnin' water, this child kin generally navigate down it, provided he hev a rifle, powder, an' a bullet or two in his pouch.

Thank the Almighty Lord, we've stuck to your gun through the thick an' the thin o't. Ef we hedn't we mout jest as well lie down agin' an' make a die at oncest." "Go which way you please, Walt; you know best. I am ready to follow you; and I think I shall be able." "Wal, at anyhow, we'd best be movin' off from hyar.

If we kin oncest git through the thick o' 'em, we mout make the brush, an' creep under it to the big caves on t'other side. Them caves jines one another, an' we mout dodge them thur. I seed the time this 'coon kud 'a run a bit, but these hyur jeints ain't as soople as they wur oncest. We kin try neverthemless; an' mind, young fellur, it's our only chance: do 'ee hear?"

I may as well face the sight at oncest, ugly as I know it'll prove. Hyar goes." Steeling himself for the terrible spectacle, which he believes to be certainly awaiting him, he once more advances towards the tree. A dozen strides bring him up, and less than half a dozen more carry him around it. No body, living or dead no remains of man, mutilated or otherwise!

Don't all speak at oncest!" "Here, Rube, here!" cried several, holding out their blankets. "E'er a one 'll do. We needs three: Bill's an' mine an' another'n. Hyur, Billee! take these afore ye. Now ride down the 'Pash trail three hunred yards, or tharabout, an' then pull up. Don't take the beaten pad, but keep alongside, an' make big tracks. Gallop!"

"Whar, then?" "Whur thur's no great show o' redskins. He may shoot well; he did oncest on a time: plumb centre." "You knew him, did ye?" "O-ee-es. Oncest. Putty squaw: hansum gal. Whur do 'ee want me to go?" I thought that Garey seemed inclined to carry the conversation further. There was an evident interest in his manner when the other mentioned the "squaw."

I know, howsomdever, they're mighty big freshets thur, as I hev sailed a skift more 'n a hundred mile acrosst one o' 'm, whur thur wan't nothin' to be seen but cypress tops peep in out o' the water. The floods, as ye know, come every year, but them ar big ones only oncest in a while.