United States or Cuba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But who who will tell what we see inside on't? In this buildin' every State in the Union, and almost every civilized nation of the world, is represented with agricultural exhibits, and food products in their manufactured state. Prizes will be gin at the end of the Fair to the best.

He saw this poor wench dance; and thought so much on't, when it was all along of me. I would have defied her to sit still. And Rowley gives her the credit of it, and five pieces to boot; and I have only two for my morning's work!" "True, Master Empson," said the lady; "but you are of the family, though in a lower station; and you ought to consider "

Then Ascyltos having got heart again, began to amplifie the delight he took in having pillag'd Lycurgus; of whose miserableness he, not without cause, complain'd; for he neither paid him for his nights service, nor kept a table that had either meat, or drink on't, being such a sordid pinch-peny; that, notwithstanding his infinite wealth, he deny'd himself the common necessaries of life.

I heard from him on Thursday, but he did not tell me he had seen you; perhaps he did not think it convenient to put me in mind of you; besides, he thought he told me enough in telling me my cousin Osborne was married. Why did you not send me that news and a garland? Well, the best on't is I have a squire now that is as good as a knight.

Yes, yes! there's no doubt about his trade, you may depend on't. Cinthia. The gibbet! Poor dear Matteo! Thomaso. This is a fine piece of work. Baluzzo. Confound the fellow, who would have thought of anything happening so unlucky? Abellino. Why, how now? You seem to be overcome. Struzza. I cannot recover myself; surprise and terror have almost stupefied me. Abellino. Indeed!

Some said he was dead; some said he was gone to Canada; and some said he hed gone over to the Old Country. "Wal, as to Phebe Ann, she acted like a gal o' sense, and married 'Bijah Moss, and thought no more 'bout it. She took the right view on't, and said she was sartin that all things was ordered out for the best; and it was jest as well folks couldn't always have their own way.

Scots-men reckon ay fra an ill hour. Send, and fetch. Sairy be your meil-poke, and ay your nieve in the nook on't. Sike Priest, sike Offering. Swear by your brunt shins. Seying goes good cheap. She that takes gifts her self, she sels; and she that gives, does nought else. She is a sairy mouse, that hes but one Hole. Shod in the cradle, bair-foot in the Stubble.

"Open t' door, mon." "Your answer, I say?" said the reeve. "Gi' me an hour to think on't," said the miller. "Agreed," replied the other. "I will be with you after the funeral." And he sprang through the window, and disappeared before Baldwyn could open the door and admit Bess.

I can't bear the sight on't!" and he leaped a fence and struck off across the fields towards his house. He did not shut his eyes that night, but tossed and groaned aloud. Towards morning he formed a resolution which calmed him somewhat. "Ef I kin only be right close to 'em till it comes, p'raps I can be of a little use. Leastways it 'ud be some comfort to try," he said.

And with what despairin' grief did she read its calm old face while her poet writ this sad truth: "I'm wearin' awa' to the Land o' the Leal." And there wuz a cupboard with blue and white dishes and a sugar bowl that he and Bonnie Jean had used. Oh, warm fingers, tired fingers! how long you've been dust, and the little piece of metal still endures. Oh, my soul! the wonder and the pity on't.