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'Kirsty, he said, 'ye're 'maist as strong's a man, and I wudna wullinly ony but oor ain three sels laid finger upo' what's left o' Steenie: are ye up to takin the feet o' 'im to fess him hame? Here's what'll mak it 'maist easy! Kirsty rose at once. 'A drappy o' milk, and I'm ready, she answered. 'Wull ye no tak a moofu' o' whusky yersel' father? 'Na, na; I want naething, replied David.

Martin, and observing the Grand Entrepôt des Sels, from whence annually 9,000,000 lbs. of salt are distributed for the consumption of Paris.

And there was more than pride in him, for on his holidays he came back to the Glen unspoiled by all his honours and achievements, and went about among them "jist like ain o' their ain sels," accepting their homage as his right, but giving them in return, according to their various stations, due respect and honour, and their love grew greater than their pride.

I'll suffer death ten thousand-fold afore I see her brought to poverty; sae get a boat get it and if ye daurna gang out, and if nane o' your folk daur gang, Ned and me will gang our tow sels." "Surely ye wad be mad, Harry, to attempt such a thing in an open boat to-night," said the Blyth merchant. "Mad or no mad," answered Harry, "I hae said it, and I am determined.

For at home there is but one buyer, and abroad but one that selleth: both which is gainfull to the Merchant, because thereby they buy at home at lower, and sell abroad at higher rates: And abroad there is but one buyer of forraign Merchandise, and but one that sels them at home; both which againe are gainfull to the adventurers.

Scots-men reckon ay fra an ill hour. Send, and fetch. Sairy be your meil-poke, and ay your nieve in the nook on't. Sike Priest, sike Offering. Swear by your brunt shins. Seying goes good cheap. She that takes gifts her self, she sels; and she that gives, does nought else. She is a sairy mouse, that hes but one Hole. Shod in the cradle, bair-foot in the Stubble.

The good "Sels poignans d'Angleterre," of which Felicie always acknowledged the unrivalled potency, did their business effectually. Back went the head, with an exclamation of "That's enough! Oh, oh! too much! too much, Cecilia!" "Are you better, my dear?" inquired Cecilia; "but indeed you must not give way to low spirits; indeed, you must not: so now to change the conversation, Louisa "