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Tommy understood. "It might help," he said, "and I can depend upon you to keep silence. Come along." He led the way to the back of the store, where his bachelor apartments were situated a bedroom and a library a most curious library, for Tommy was an omnivorous reader and particularly given to romances.

The complexity and number of his theories when going about his work was tremendous, which could be partially accounted for by his omnivorous reading. He read all sorts of historical, occult, scientific and philosophical works, the material of which he absorbed only in so far as he could weave it into the fabric of his depraved speculations.

O Love, omnivorous Love, that sparest neither the dotard leaning on his staff nor the boy with pantaloons buttoning on his jacket, omnipotent Love, that, after parents and teachers have failed, in one instant can make Billy try to become a good boy! With both of my nephews hopelessly enamored, and myself the confidant of both, I had my hands full.

She will lay down her life for them at any time, defending them with great courage when attacked. It has been said that, like the alligator-mother, she is sometimes called upon to protect them from their savage fathers, who would devour them if they could. This I do not believe. The black bears are omnivorous. They will eat fish, flesh, fowl, and vegetables.

In short, the grizzly bear of America is to be met with in situations very similar to those which are the favourite haunts of the African lion, which, after all, is not so much the king of the forest, as of the mountain and the open plain. The grizzly bear is omnivorous. Fish, flesh, and fowl are eaten by him apparently with equal relish. He devours frogs, lizards, and other reptiles.

For at this period Damaris was an omnivorous reader, eager for every form of literature and every description of knowledge whether clearly comprehended or not which the beloved printed page has to give. An eagerness, it may be noted, not infrequently productive of collisions with Theresa, and at this particular juncture all the more agreeable to gratify on that very account.

He pointed at a row of what seemed to be grinning steel mouths, barred with innumerable black teeth, and half concealed by a projecting ledge at the bottom of the wall opposite the entrance, and as I looked I was thrilled by the sight of faint curls of smoke disappearing within their gaping jaws. "They are omnivorous beasts," said Edmund. "They feed on the carbon from your breath, too.

And he was, incidentally, an omnivorous reader, for, as he naïvely said: Viele Bücher muss ich kennen, Denn die Menschen kenn' ich gern. As to his originality, another confession is significant: Ja, es gibt nur wenig Leute, Deren Schüler ich nicht bin.

He was frank, straightforward, and outspoken, and his face was an index of his mind. Every thought was visible just "as through a crystal case the figured hours are seen." He was always Burton, never by any chance any one else. As. Mr. A. C. Swinburne said of him: "He rode life's lists as a god might ride." Of English Literature and especially of poetry he was an omnivorous reader.

Nature apparently intended us to be omnivorous, and, in addition, vegetarianism may run too close to the dangers of carbohydrate excess. As man progresses after middle life he can unquestionably diminish materially the amount of meat in his diet. In recent years there has been a revival of the theory of prolonged mastication of a limited amount of food.