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His prediction was verified. Ten minutes later the Governor rose to his feet triumphant. "So!" he said, drawing a long breath. "We are, I think, gentlemen, at the very core at last. The time, day after to-morrow; the place, Poplar Spring in this county. And now to work! Those of these d d Oliverians whom we can reach must be arrested at once.

"I am told," said the mender of nets, "that you are newly come to the plantations." "I was brought by the ship God-Speed a month ago." "You did not come as an indented servant?" Landless reddened. "No." "Nor as a martyr to principle, a victim of that most iniquitous and tyrannical Act of Uniformity?" "No." "Nor as one of those whom they call Oliverians?" "No."

He passed him by as he had passed Trail, and named another rustic at some little distance from the mulatto, then a Fifth Monarchy man, then a veteran of Cromwell's, then the plantation miller and the carpenter, then two more Oliverians, then more peasants.

"It imports much that men should see that there is no weakness in the arm the law stretches out to seize and punish offenders. My father and the Governor and Colonel Ludlow believe that there is afoot an Oliverian plot What is the matter?" "Nothing, madam." "You stood still and caught your breath. Are you ill, faint?" "It is nothing, madam, believe me? You were saying?" "Oh! the Oliverians!

"Well, you no longer possess these proofs, and are therefore just where you were yesterday." "Listen, Señor Landless," said Luiz Sebastian gloomily. "This plot does not please us. It is too much in the hands of those who call themselves soldiers and martyrs, whom our master calls fanatic Oliverians, and whom I, Luiz Sebastian, call accursed heretics.

Thrice he had assisted at conferences of the Oliverians from the neighboring plantations, who now, by virtue of his descent, his intimacy with Godwyn, and his very apparent powers, accepted him as a leader.

The Oliverians spoke of the hour in which this mine should be sprung as the great and appointed day of the Lord, the day when the Lord was to stretch forth his hand and smite the malignants, the day when Israel should be delivered out of the hand of Pharaoh. The branded man apostrophized Godwyn as Moses.

Is it of choice, do you think, that men lie rotting in prison, in the noisome holds of ships, are bought and sold like oxen, are chained to the oar, to the tobacco field, are herded with the refuse of the earth, are obedient to the finger, to the whip? We they who are known as Oliverians, and they who are felons, and I who am, if you choose, of both parties, were haled here with ropes.

"They that join with us, of whatever class, shall be freed." "This insurrection is actually in train?" "Let us call it a revolution. Yes, it is in train as far as regards the Oliverians. We have but begun to sound servants and slaves." "And you?" "I am, for lack of a better, General to the Oliverians." Godwyn shaded his eyes with his hand. "Yes," he said at last, speaking with energy.

"Lad," he said in a gravely tender voice, "I have none upon this plantation in whom I can put absolute trust. There are few Oliverians here, and they are like Win-Grace Porringer, in whom zeal hath eaten up discretion. Lad, I need a helper! I have spoken to you freely; I have laid my heart before you; and why?