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Three tablespoonfuls of best olive-oil; one tablespoonful of vinegar; one saltspoonful each of salt and pepper mixed together; and then, with three tablespoonfuls of best olive-oil, adding last the tablespoonful of vinegar. This is the simplest form of dressing. The lettuce, or other salad material, must be fresh and crisp, and should not be mixed till the moment of eating.

I have no account of it, and never heard it mentioned in Morocco as an article of any importance. Olive-oil is exported from the north, but not in great quantities. The amount exported in a recent year was about the value of £6,000 sterling. The olive is not so much cultivated in Morocco as in Tunis and Tripoli.

I gave him some solution to wash his eyes, and he gave me in turn a jar of new milk. Something was said about olive-oil, and I asked where we could get some. They said there was none in Rujban. The lady of my host thinking me incredulous, pulled her gray grisly hair, and exhibited its crispness and dryness, observing, "See, where's the oil?"

Care of the injured part to prevent the skin from breaking and causing a sore is the only thing left to be done. However, here are the ordinary remedies for burns. Any of the following things spread over a piece of linen or soft cotton cloth are said to be good: olive-oil, carbolized vaseline, fresh lard, cream, flour, and baking-soda. For serious burns a physician should be called.

In the lighthouses of this country sperm-oil is the most usual fuel. In France an oil is burned called Colza oil, expressed from the seeds of a species of wild cabbage. In the lighthouses on the Mediterranean olive-oil is used. In a few lighthouses near large towns coal-gas has been advantageously adopted.

If he had known all the stories in the old books, he would have found that some have swooned and become as dead men at the smell of a rose, that a stout soldier has been known to turn and run at the sight or smell of rue, that cassia and even olive-oil have produced deadly faintings in certain individuals, in short, that almost everything has seemed to be a poison to somebody.

Take the inner lettuce leaves; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs with 1 tablespoonful of olive-oil and stir all together with 2 tablespoonfuls of white wine vinegar. Serve at once with meats. Austrian Baked Eggs. Poach fresh eggs one at a time; then put in a well-buttered baking-dish; sprinkle with salt, pepper, bits of butter and grated cheese.

The amount of imports in 1855 was: British goods, £136,496 7s. 6d., foreign goods £31,222 11s. 5d. The trade last year was greatly increased by the unusually large demand for olive-oil from all parts, and there is no doubt that, under a more liberal Government, the commerce might be developed to a vast extent.

My baby, my heart's blood my precious little sweetheart !" In her anger she tipped over the bottle of olive-oil. It fell off the stove and smashed on the floor. The rage of the woman became frenzied. "Damn my soul if I know what I'm doing!" she screeched. "Oh, that dirty husband of mine! I hope to God I never see him again. And now, how am I going to cook? I'll have to go down to the store.

This pleasantry was quite lost on the grocer, for he hastened to agree with me, with a "Sure he doesn't," and a convincing wag of the head, as who should say, "Let no man accuse my friend, Mr. Jardine, of bathing in olive-oil, while I am about!" It was very soothing. "Well, just send it back, Mrs. Jardine," said he, presently, "it's in gallon cans and sealed."