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"Can't you say, 'Gee, they was great, Olger'?" It was "Twelfth Night," and Olga's pupils had given a fairy dance on the Green. To conclude the almost mystic entertainment, the great Obosky herself had appeared in one of her most marvellous creations, the "Dance of the Caliph's Dream," the sensational, never-to-be-forgotten dance that had been the talk of three continents.

Victors and vanquished came to the pavilion later and had tea with their supporters. But Noel did not return to Olga's side. He kept at a distance, surrounded by an enthusiastic group of fellow-subalterns. Peggy, restrained by her mother from joining him, watched him with longing eyes; but she watched in vain.

"I wonder how old I'll have to be before you realize I'm grown up, Charlie!" Charlie looked at her critically. "Well, when you're eighteen, maybe." "Lydia'll be twenty-five before she gets through looking like a baby, but Olga's a young lady now," said Kent. He was eying the girls with the air of a connoisseur. "Three peaches, aren't they, Miss Towne?"

"I couldn't live here after you are married," replied the other, weakly, despondently. Irene glanced at her, hung a moment on the edge of speech, then spoke with a self-possession which made her seem many years older than her cousin. "I had better tell you now, that we may understand each other. I am not going to be married." To Olga's voiceless astonishment she answered with a pale smile.

Olga's hand went out instinctively and closed upon Noel's arm. Her nerves were not strung to this. Almost before she knew it, he had drawn her to him, and slipped the arm about her. She looked up swiftly to protest, but the words were never spoken. They died upon her lips. For even as she opened them to speak there came an awful sound from the darkness.

Of course I have no desire to persuade you. I only beg that you will follow your inclinations." "Of course!" said Violet quickly. "And we are coming at least I am. Allegro, you can please yourself, but it will be very horrid of you if you won't come too." Olga's pale eyes sparkled. "That depends on one's point of view," she said, with a touch of warmth. "You know what I think about it.

All Olga's faculties became concentrated upon her task, and she spoke no more. They reached the village. It seemed to be deserted in the slumbrous stillness. There was not so much as a dog to be seen. Suddenly Nick spoke. "What became of Hunt-Goring?" The colour leaped into her pale, tense face. "He landed us at the jetty, and went away again in his yacht."

I thought about for something I could slip into Olga's hand as she went; but I've nothing, so I gave her a silver Krone. And straightway she gives her hand in thanks, and shows the coin to her mother, and whispers she will give it to her sister at church. Her eyes are simply glowing with joy at the thought. And her mother, hardly less moved herself, answers yes, perhaps she ought....

Olga's intense enjoyment of her own party was rapidly galvanizing everybody into a much keener gaiety than was at all usual in Riseholme, where as a rule, the hostess was somewhat anxious and watchful, fearing that her guests were not amusing themselves, and that the sandwiches would give out.

Eva was upstairs, trying on some finery she had purchased in London; and after waiting a moment Herrick went into the hall to investigate. Someone was knocking now on the door, thereby rousing Olga's wrath; and Herrick held her firmly by the collar as he went to answer the summons.