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No new questions respecting the status of our naturalized citizens in Germany have arisen during the year, and the causes of complaint, especially in Alsace and Lorraine, have practically ceased through the liberal action of the Imperial Government in accepting our often-expressed views on the subject.

"The nature of the undertaking cannot be revealed by reason of a deliberately taken oath," replied Yang Hu; "and the reason of its possible consequence is a less important question to the two persons who are here conversing together than of whether the amiable and graceful Hiya is willing to carry out her often-expressed desire for an opportunity of displaying the true depths of her emotions towards this one."

His anxiety for her comfort his continual solicitations that she would eat, and his often-expressed fears of her seeing nothing to her taste though never in her life before had she beheld half such variety on a breakfast-table made it impossible for her to forget for a moment that she was a visitor. She felt utterly unworthy of such respect, and knew not how to reply to it.

It is very earnestly hoped that these volumes of notes American, English, and presently Italian will dispel an often-expressed opinion that Mr. Hawthorne was gloomy and morbid.

His father, with all his political tenets as to land, with his often-expressed admiration as to the French system, with his loud denunciations of the absurdity of binding a special family to a special fraction of the earth's surface, did sympathise with him so strongly, that he at once accepted the arrangement. 'I think that his conduct has given him a right to demand it, he said to Mr. Bolton.

"You can take my team, and if any one comes while you are gone, we shall get rid of them, I guess." Since Mr. Hillman wished to go to his office for some law-books and papers before Mr. Gurney arrived, Ralph started off with him about noon, leaving the farm with the often-expressed wish that nothing would happen during the absence of three of the defenders.

There is one lighted sentence near the end which brings before one's mental eye his often-expressed "Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin," with regard to the Indian Empire, our past misgovernments, and our present failure to recognize old promises: "The glorification of our Indian policy only made me melancholy." Dr.

His subsequent career and the time of his death do not appear. He seems never to have received the reward which his great merit deserved. Those intimate with the late lamented Dr. Sparks will remember his often-expressed wish that justice should be done to the memory of Tonty. Fort St. Louis of the Illinois was afterwards reoccupied by the French.

His anxiety for her comfort his continual solicitations that she would eat, and his often-expressed fears of her seeing nothing to her taste though never in her life before had she beheld half such variety on a breakfast-table made it impossible for her to forget for a moment that she was a visitor. She felt utterly unworthy of such respect, and knew not how to reply to it.

Hugh's often-expressed motto that the "best man should win" found an echo in the majority of their hearts, and they vied with each other in promising to give every ounce of ability to doing Scranton High credit. Mr. Leonard came around to have a few words with his boys.