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This event doubled the territory of Poland. The Teutonic Knights, who ruled from the Oder to the Gulf of Finland, were now overcome. The treaty of Thorn confined their dominion to Eastern Prussia. The misfortune of Poland was its political constitution.

Their monoxyla, or one-oared canoes, loaded with silks, furs, and precious metals, issued from the Borysthanes, traversed the Baltic and the Euxine, the Oder and the Bosphorus, the Danube and the Black Sea, and carried on the commerce between the Turks and the Slavonians.

"You don' savvy, eh ? Wal, dat's biccause you're lak dese oder feller you're in beeg hurry to be reech. Me ?" He shrugged his brawny shoulders and smiled cheerily. "I got plenty tam. I'm loafer. I enjoy myse'f " "So do I. For that matter, I'm enjoying myself now. I think this is all perfectly corking, and I'm having the time of my young life.

I'm a rich man, I tell ye!" "Vell," remarked Vanderzee with stolid calm. "If you puy a monkey in some oder blaces, don'd pring him here to me. You vant me droubles to haff der bolice mit, hey? A few trinks you get, der sun your het in, und dronk der Cuartel in und my license I loose maype."

The Swedes had actually taken some towns in Pomerania, and were advancing to besiege Stetin, and the Austrians, who had made themselves masters of Lignitz, and a considerable part of Silesia, had now laid siege to Schweidnitz, and were preparing to pass the Oder, in order to attack the prince of Bevern in his camp near Breslau.

He flecked away an imaginary grain of dust from the lapel of his coat and walked slowly toward the door. "Are you going home on the New Haven road oder the Harlem road?" he asked. Morris scowled, and his indignation lent such force to the gesture with which he put on his hat that the impact sounded like a blow on a tambourine. "Schon gut, Gurin," he said. "I am through with you."

Other emigrants from Bismarck seem also to have assumed it; in the neighbouring town of Prenzlau the name occurs, and it is still found among the peasants of the Mark; as the Wends were driven back and the German invasion spread, more adventurous colonists migrated beyond the Oder and founded a new Bismarck in Pomerania.

I suppose we would pretty soon got to close up the store so's you could take all the sea baths you want. What?" Abe refrained from uttering a suitable rejoinder and made straight for the office. "Mawruss!" he yelled; "ain't the safe open yet?" "Never mind is the safe open oder not, Abe," Morris replied.

We have gained on the Elbe and the Oder, Pondicherry, our Indian establishments, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Spanish colonies. Why should the Russians have the right of opposing destiny and thwarting our just designs? They and we are still the soldiers who fought at Austerlitz.

and the opening words of Hamlet's soliloquy with the German: "Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage." Of the former pair he greatly preferred the English, of the latter the German. Sometimes we discussed at great length the exact English equivalent of some German or French word. I remember one which he came back to again and again, the word leichtsinnig.