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In the North, Christianity was propagated by the sword of Otho, the conqueror and apostle of the Slavic nations of the Elbe and Oder: the marches of Brandenburgh and Sleswick were fortified with German colonies; and the king of Denmark, the dukes of Poland and Bohemia, confessed themselves his tributary vassals.

During the night Bevern had drawn off, marched through Breslau, and crossed the Oder, leaving eighty cannon and eight thousand killed and wounded a tremendous loss, indeed, when the army at daybreak had been thirty thousand strong. Bevern himself rode out to reconnoitre, in the gray light of the morning, attended only by a groom, and fell in with an Austrian outpost.

"My fader he's tear his shirt and he's yell, 'Let me at him! Frawce he's tear his shirt and he's yell, 'Let me at him! But de men hain't goin' for let dem loose, for fear one is strike de oder ver' hard. De whole village is shiver 'bout dat offle fight yes, seh, shiver bad!

He not do it himself, but arrange wid oder fellows, and he stop quiet at de hotel for two days after she gone so dat no one can 'spect his having hand in de affair." "That is just how I make it out, Dan; and now he has gone off to join them." Dan thought for some time.

"Ve'y well, but I'se gwinter keep my eye on you, Marse Chunk." "Reck'n you will, kaze I am' gwinter be fur off; en ef you puts yo' eye on some oder man, you soon fin' he ain' dar." With this ominous assurance he stole away. Soon afterward the hoot of an owl was heard again; shadows approached the cabin; Scoville, assisted by Chunk, joined them, and there was a whispered consultation.

Balashev noticed that his left leg was quivering faster than before and his face seemed petrified in its stern expression. This quivering of his left leg was a thing Napoleon was conscious of. "The vibration of my left calf is a great sign with me," he remarked at a later date. "Such demands as to retreat beyond the Vistula and Oder may be made to a Prince of Baden, but not to me!"

You s'pose some people came up and take your side, and kill dose men, and carry you to de boat, and gib you ober to de sailors, and den go away; but dat you know nufing at all about it. If only four men killed den do oder, who will be sure to go away and say nufing ob his share in de business, will tell all his mates dat dis nigger intrude himself into de affair, and dat bad for Sam.

When the sails were furled I go up to the cappen and ask if he wish me to go on shore to buy some poultry and vegetables and oder tings I might require for de sea-pie. "`No, no; you stay on board, he answered. `I'll send off for materials, and we shall then see what you can do. "`I pretend to be well pleased, and tell him all de tings I want. Dat evening plenty of provisions came on board.

Otto I did more than fight these tribes; he established dioceses, such as Brandenburg, Havelberg, etc., in a district which is now the political center of the German empire, and greatly forwarded the Christianizing and colonization of the tract between the Elbe and the Oder. Moreover, he put an end forever to the invasions of the Hungarians.

My brother, him grow sick lie down under tree men beat him with stick he look up say, Oh, no beat me give one sigh, fall back and die. Dere he stay many die like him some lie down, and men beat him up again. On we go see at last blue ocean put into Barracoon all chained to iron bar no move one side nor oder wait dere many days. Ship with white sail come at last we all put on raft carried to ship.