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It is true that a daguerreotype, taken by Berkowski with the Königsberg heliometer during the eclipse of 1851, is still valuable as a record of the corona of that year; and some subsequent attempts were made to register partial phases of solar occultation, notably by Professor Bartlett at West Point in 1854; but the ground remained practically unbroken until 1860.

So much I know by an a priori argument, and could wish, therefore, that it had been scientifically important to know it as important, for instance, as to know the occultation of a star, or the transit of Venus to a second.

"You have certainly committed a grave fault here, my friend," he said, "and one that is seldom forgiven in Leaplow perhaps I might say never, during the occultation of the great moral postulate, as happens to be the case at present." "Tell me my sins at once, brigadier," cried Noah, with the look of a martyr, "and put me out of pain."

There was a singular improvised bivouac going on in the ruined martello tower where Professor Alaric Hobbs had set up his instruments to take some interesting observations upon an occultation of Venus. A coast-guard station at Bouley Bay and St.

The sudden and complete occultation of the stars when the moon's disk passes between them and the place of the observer on the earth's surface, is sufficient evidence of the absence of air; and, as no cloud has ever been noticed to veil even for a moment any part of our satellite's face, we are pretty safe in concluding that there is no water; or at least, if there be any, that it is inappreciable in quantity.

The periodic time of Uranus, the nature of Saturn's ring, and the occultation of Jupiter's satellites are as far removed from the concerns of mankind as the heliacal rising of Sirius, or the northern position of the Great Bear."

It was melancholy to remark how the lustre of the ordinary virtues grew dim, as the period of occultation continued, and the eye gradually got to be accustomed to the atmosphere cast by the shadow of pecuniary interest.

He had then sent to Brisbane for assistance, and the astronomer of the Government had referred him to the postmaster at Rahway, "Prognosticator" of the meteorological column in The Courier, who would be instructed to give Mr. Osgood every help, especially as the occultation of Venus was near.

Until now the projectile had moved in profound darkness. Whatever its speed had been and it could not have been slight its period of occultation continued. That fact was evident, but perhaps that would not have been the case in a rigidly parabolical course.

One night as I was waiting, watch in hand, for an occultation, and striving hard to keep awake, for it had been a hot and exhausting summer's day, while my wife we were then in our honeymoon sat sympathetically by my side, I suddenly found myself withdrawn from the telescope, and standing in a place that appeared entirely strange.