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'If so be, returned Bunsby, with unusual promptitude, 'as he's dead, my opinion is he won't come back no more. If so be as he's alive, my opinion is he will. Do I say he will? No. Why not? Because the bearings of this obserwation lays in the application on it.

Now sir, from private obserwation, the deed is doo to be brought off any time in the next three veeks, and as soon as it's done, v'y then I lays my right 'and on Number Vun, and my left 'and on Number Two, and " "But what about Number Three?" inquired Barnabas. Mr. Shrig paused, glanced at Barnabas, and scratched his ear, thoughtfully. "V'y sir," said he at last, "Number Three vill be a corp."

'Which word was that 'ere, Sir? inquired Sam. 'Mississes, Sir, replied Mr. John Smauker, with an alarming frown. 'We don't recognise such distinctions here. 'Oh, wery good, said Sam; 'then I'll amend the obserwation and call 'em the dear creeturs, if Blazes vill allow me.

It's took me a long time to find it out. I wonder whether it would be worth any gentleman's while, now, to buy that obserwation for the Papers; or the Parliament! Toby was only joking, for he gravely shook his head in self- depreciation. 'Why! Lord! said Toby. 'The Papers is full of obserwations as it is; and so's the Parliament.

The listening monkey cocked its ear a little higher at this, and Moses, who had at first raised his flat nose indignantly in the air, gradually lowered it, while a benignant smile supplanted indignation. "You're right dere, Massa Nadgel. I'd die a t'ousand times sooner dan injure massa. As to your last obserwation, it rouses two idees in my mind.

The listening monkey cocked its ear a little higher at this, and Moses, who had at first raised his flat nose indignantly in the air, gradually lowered it, while a benignant smile supplanted indignation. "You're right dere, Massa Nadgel. I'd die a t'ousand times sooner dan injure massa. As to your last obserwation, it rouses two idees in my mind.

'And come home in that ship, said the Captain, still looking in the same direction, 'and don't be frightened, pretty and landed; and one morning come cautiously to his own door to take a obserwation, knowing that his friends would think him drownded, when he sheered off at the unexpected 'At the unexpected barking of a dog? cried Florence, quickly. 'Yes, roared the Captain.

Werricker, sir," said he, touching his low-crowned, wide-brimmed hat with a thick forefinger, "it ain't no manner o' use you a-ringin' o' that theer bell, because there ain't nobody to answer same, your young man Clegg 'aving took a little 'oliday, d'ye see, sir." "A holiday, Mr. Shrig! Pray how do you know?" "By obserwation, sir. I've a powerful gift that way, sir from a infant."

Another one, said Mr Perch, 'with military frogs, is in the parlour of the King's Arms all the blessed day. I happened, last week, to let a little obserwation fall there, and next morning, which was Sunday, I see it worked up in print, in a most surprising manner.

"How can I know?" he echoed, with a glance of almost superhuman wisdom. "In coorse I know by the powers of obserwation. That old gal, Mrs Willis, is a good old thing as good as gold. Vell, a good mother is always cocksure to 'ave a good darter specially ven she's a only darter so the mother o' Edie bein' good, Edie herself must be good, don't you see?