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Despite the historical bill of fare, and the mildly exhilarating qualities of the excellent Oberweseler wine, whose delicate reddish color the sentimental Archbishop compared to the blush on a bride's cheeks, the social aspect of the midday refection was overshadowed by an almost indefinable sense of impending danger.

Being asked his preference in wine, he replied that yesterday he had been regaled with a very excellent sample of Oberweseler. "That is from this neighborhood," replied the Count. "Oberwesel lies but a very short distance below, on the opposite side of the river, but we contend that our beverage of Caub is at least equal, and sometimes superior. You shall try a good vintage of both.

"Yes; I hope you will approve of it. There is some excellent Rhine salmon, with a sauce most popular in Treves, a sauce that has been celebrated for centuries. Next some tender venison from the forest behind Stolzenfels, which is noted for its deer. There are, beside, cakes and various breads, also vegetables, and all are to be washed down by delicate Oberweseler wine.

How did you come by Oberweseler so far north as Stolzenfels?" "Simply because I was so forward, counting on the good nature of my friend of Treves, that I stipulated for Oberweseler." "Ah! I am anxious to know why." "For reasons of history, not of the palate. A fair English Princess was guest of Stolzenfels long ago, and this wine was served to her."