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O. and me, while the blue-eyed detective tackled the dining-room, and I'd get up a lunch for us all. Mag, you should have seen Fred Obermuller with a big apron on him, dressing the salad while I was making sandwiches. The Cruelty taught me how to cook, even if it did teach me other things.

Why, Mag, you innocent, of course I hadn't. Managers don't give six-year contracts to girl burglars who've never set foot on the stage. When the little man was gone, Obermuller cornered me. "What's your game, Olden?" he cried. "You're too deep for me; I throw up my hands. Come; what've you got in that smart little head of yours? Are you holding out for higher stakes?

Topham jumped toward me, but Obermuller stopped him. "You'd win only half your bet, my Lady," Obermuller said softly. "She did get hold of the Gray rose, worth fifty thousand dollars, in spite of all your precautions " The world seemed to fall away from me. I looked up at him. I couldn't believe he'd go back on me.

Come along, little girl." He pulled my hand in his arm and we walked out, followed by the two men. Oh, no! It was all very quiet and looked just like a little theater party that had an early supper engagement. Obermuller nodded to the manager out in the deserted lobby, who stopped us and asked me what I thought of the star. You'll think me mad, Mag.

He passed the diamond over to her, and they all left the office. So did I; but he held out his hand as I passed. "It goes that about a raise for you, Olden. Now earn it." Isn't he white, Mag white clean through, that big fellow Obermuller? I got into the train, Mag, the happiest girl in all the country. I'd a big basket of things for Tom.

I wanted to fall on it and hide it; to push it far, far away out of sight; to stamp it down down into the very bottom of the earth, where it could feel the hell it was making for me. But I only stood there, stupidly looking at it, having pushed past Obermuller, as though I never wanted to see anything else. And then I heard that blue-eyed fellow's words.

Say, Mag, I wouldn't like to get that man Obermuller hopping mad at me, and Nancy Olden's no coward, either. But the way he gritted his teeth at that note and the devil in his eyes when he lifted them from it, made me wonder how I'd ever dared be facetious with him. I got up to go. He'd forgotten me, but he looked up then.

'Pon my life, Mag, it's just like stealing; the old graft exactly; it's so fascinating, so busy, and risky, except that they play the game with you and pay you and love you to fool 'em. When the curtain fell it was different. Grays followed by the Charities, all clean and spick-and-span and not in it; not even on the edge of it stormed up to Obermuller standing at the wings.

No listen! What we've been talking about is settled. Don't bring it up again. It doesn't interest him and it can't change me; I swear to you, it can't; nothing can. I'm going to ask Mr. Obermuller to help you without telling him just what the scrape is, and and I'm going to be sure that he'll do it just because he " "Because you've taken up with him, have you?" Tom shouted savagely.

Why, that man that tried to sell me to Obermuller hasn't sense enough to be a good scene-shifter. Oh The firm of Dorgan & Olden is dissolved, Mag. The retiring partner has gone into the theatrical business. As for Dorgan the real one, poor fellow! jolly, handsome, big Tom Dorgan he died. Yes, he died, Maggie, and was buried up there in the prison graveyard.