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My tastes bring a smile to his lips; he wonders by what whimsy I prefer wood that is worm-eaten, chirouna, as he calls it, to sound wood, which burns so much better. I have my views on the subject; and the worthy man submits to them. And now to us two, O my fine oak-trunk seamed with scars, gashed with wounds whence trickle the brown drops smelling of the tan-yard.

My tastes bring a smile to his lips; he wonders by what whimsy I prefer wood that is worm-eaten chirouna, as he calls it to sound wood which burns so much better. I have my views on the subject; and the worthy man submits to them. And now to us two, O my fine oak-trunk seamed with scars, gashed with wounds whence trickle the brown drops smelling of the tan-yard.

The Dutchman, he said, grew out of Senta's ballad; but I have already shown that this statement was a mere piece of self-deception: not the whole of the Dutchman, not one-tenth of it, grows out of Senta's ballad; Senta's ballad is not an oak-trunk with all the solos, duets, choruses and the rest growing out as branches with leaves grow from a trunk it is a scaffold-pole upon which these things are tacked in an almost unparalleled fervour of imagination.

But as he turned to retire, Burley stept before him, pushed the oak-trunk from its resting place, and as it fell thundering and crashing into the abyss beneath, drew his sword, and cried out, with a voice that rivalled the roar of the cataract and the thunder of the falling oak, "Now thou art at bay! Fight, yield, or die!" and standing in the mouth of the cavern, he flourished his naked sword.

But as he turned to retire, Burley stept before him, pushed the oak-trunk from its resting place, and as it fell thundering and crashing into the abyss beneath, drew his sword, and cried out, with a voice that rivalled the roar of the cataract and the thunder of the falling oak, "Now thou art at bay! Fight, yield, or die!" and standing in the mouth of the cavern, he flourished his naked sword.