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He called up others. He ordered his motor-car. To Jones he gave instructions for the forwarding of Bob and Wolf to Glen Ellen. Hegan he surprised by asking him to look up the deed of the Glen Ellen ranch and make out a new one in Dede Mason's name. "Who?" Hegan demanded. "Dede Mason," Daylight replied imperturbably the 'phone must be indistinct this morning. "D-e-d-e M-a-s o-n. Got it?"

Thus each one has some other person's slip to read. The one who composed the best sentences deserves a prize. Examples City, New York. Sentence N-ow, E-very, W-all St., Y-ankee, O-wns, R-eal, K-ingdoms. City, Chicago. Sentence Conflagration, H-igh, I-n, C-rowded, A-reas, G-rew, O-n. This is a catch game for those who have never played it.

The wire again clicked open, and slowly, in the same heavy hand, the mystified and then amazed despatcher read: "H-E-L-P H-E-L-D U-P A-F-T-E-R G-O-L-D T-I-E-D T-O T-A-B-L-E G-O-T D-R-O-P O-N H-I-M M-A-K-I-N-G H-I-M S-E-N-D B." The despatcher grasped his key. "Good boy! Good boy!" he hurled back. "Keep it up for twenty-five minutes and we'll get help to you.

Emmy Lou herself had so little idea of what it was all about, that she was dependent on her neighbor to give her the key to the proper starting-point heading the various columns "a-t, at," or "a-n, an," or "e-t, et," or "o-n, on;" after that it was easy sailing.