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"Now, Jasper, what on top of yeth has tickled you so? A body to see you would think that thar wan't nuthin' serious nowhar. Oh, I like to see a man enjoy hisse'f, but " "But you don't," Jasper filled in, winking at Jim, who dodged as if an acorn had been flipped at his eye. "Ma'm," he added, "blamed if I believe a woman ever has a right good laugh after she's past thirty.

"Yass, I is. Dass my answeh come ag'in." "Is dat all de respondence my Delijah got faw her Saampson?" "Mr. Leggett, I ain't yo' Delijah! Thass fix! I ain't read the scripters in relations to dat young lady faw nuthin! Whetheh you my Saampson remain" the smile and tone grew bewitching "faw me to know an faw you to fine out." "Shell I come soon?" murmured Mr.

I reckon also yer know what sorter man Jim Westcott is. Now the two ov us ain't out here in this damned Shoshone desert fer the fun of it not by a jugful. Get that fact into yer head, son, an' maybe it'll bring yer some sense. Do yer get me?" "Yes," sullenly and reluctantly. "But yer haven't got nuthin' on me." "Oh, haven't I? Well, you shut up like a clam, and find out what I've got.

Miss Puss gave me a pair of red morocco shoes en I was made so happy, I'se neber fohgot dese shoes. "I heard my Mammy talk of "De Nigger Risin". De Klu Klux uster stick de niggers head on er stake alongside de Cadiz road en dar de buzzards would eat them till nuthin' was left but de bones.

They were content to gather about Buck's tall figure and gape down at the beautiful face of the girl lying in his arms. It was Beasley Melford who first became practical. "She's alive, anyway," he said. "Sort o' stunned. Mebbe it's the lightnin'." Pete turned, a withering glance upon his foxy face. "Lightnin' nuthin'," he cried scornfully. "If she'd bin hit she'd ha' bin black an' dead.

Nuthin' but bizness with 'im; ah no, nuthin' but bizness." "Farrington is a mean rascal!" and Stephen leaped to his feet, his fists clenched and his eyes flashing. "Hasn't he any heart at all? To think of him taking the only cow from a poor family when the husband is sick in bed! What does the man mean?" "Don't git excited, me boy. It's only bizness, boss sez, only bizness.

"But, my dear sir," came the professor's voice, in mild expostulation, "are you aware that you have built your barn on the top of a splendid specimen of primordial rock?" "Don't know nuthin' about a prime order of rock," came back the other voice. The boys looked out of the window.

"An' thankful you ought ter be that it ain't," cried Mrs Partridge, "after what I read in the paper only last week about people bein' buried alive oftener than dead, an' fair gave me the creeps thinkin' I could see the people scratchin' their way out of the coffin, an' sittin' on a tombstone with nuthin' but a sheet round 'em. It would cure anybody of wantin' ter die.

Margaret, there ain't no use to set around here an' grieve. In this here world grief never counted fur nuthin' yit. Stir about an' take care of yo' stock an' you'll feel better. Miz Barker, I seed you a comin' an' I know'd you'd make things worse, so I come to off-set you. An' now, if we air goin' to be good friends, let's talk of somethin' pleasant.

"There aint nuthin to be afeard of," she said; "for nobody hardly ever takes the trouble to lock the doors in these parts, but bein' city folks, I thought ye might feel better if ye had a dog." We made haste to tell her that we were not city folks, but declined the dog. Indeed, Euphemia remarked that she would be much more afraid of a strange dog than of robbers.