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Methinks I could help you to the man, if so be as you will deem him worth the finding," he added, suddenly turning upside down, and looking at them standing on the palms of his hands, with an indescribable leer of drollery, which in a moment dashed all the hopes with which they had turned to him. "Should you know this nunks of yours?" he added. "I think I should," said Ambrose.

He recalled the wise generalization of 'Nunks' on that point ... Breakfast was a paradisiacal meal. He had never 'fancied' a meal so much. And Resmith had greatly enheartened him by saying sternly: "You've got exactly the right tone with the men. Don't you go trying to alter it." The general excitement was intense, and the solemn synchronizing of watches increased it further.

Edwin Clayhanger, duly passing on to the next generation the benevolent Midland gibe which he had inherited, wrote: "DEAR GEORGE, It's better than a bat in the eye with a burnt stick. Yours affectionately, NUNKS" As a boy George had at one period called his stepfather 'Nunks, but he had not used the appellation for years. He was touched now.

But he knew that he was incapable of fatigue. The day's trek was naught fifteen miles or less to Epsom Downs, at a walk!... Lois? He had expected a letter from 'Nunks' or his mother, but there was no letter, and no news was good news, at any rate with 'Nunks' in charge of communications. Lois could not fail to be all right.