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There he wrote "Louis Lambert" as a last farewell to Madame de Berny; and in memory of his ten years' intimacy with her, on the title-page were the dates 1822 and 1832, and underneath the words "Et nunc et semper."

"Pooh!" replied the old fellow, "what good will that do? It is a clear case now. When they bring the fellow before you, merely show him the particles of kid taken from behind the nails of the victim, side by side with his torn gloves, and you will overwhelm him. I wager that he will confess all, hic et nunc, yes, I wager my head against his; although that's pretty risky; for he may get off yet!

"Why don't you ask Monsieur le comte to make over 'hic et nunc' his whole fortune to his future wife?" said Mathias. "It would be more honest than what you now propose. I will not allow the ruin of the Comte de Manerville to take place under my very eyes "

Many besides the King are said to have shed tears at that moment. That seemed indeed the moment of Joan of Arc's triumph. The Nunc Dimittis might well have then echoed from her lips; but in the midst of all the rejoicing and festivity at this time Joan had saddened thoughts and melancholy forebodings as to the future.

Charles Calvert, and Tom Taylor urged me to do it. "Then," he said charmingly, "I can sing my stage Nunc Dimittis." The whole plan fell through, including a project for me to star as Juliet to the Romeo of a lady! I have already said that the Taylors' home was one of the most softening and culturing influences of my early life.

Nunc insanus amor duri me Martis in armis, Tela inter media atque adversos detinet hostes; For cruel love had gartan'd low my leg, And clad my hurdies in a philabeg. Although, indeed, ye wear the trews, a garment whilk I approve maist of the twa, as mair ancient and seemly. 'Or rather, said Fergus, 'hear my song:

The recovery of the great Gospel hymns come under this head. There are some of us who think that only to have succeeded in replacing the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis in the Evening Prayer is of itself a sufficient reward for years of effort, but this is only a small part of our harvest.

Then, by aid of the sunset, the warm breeze in his face, the flowers on the table, the fragrance of her perfume and the smoothness of her hand, he tried to drown himself in a sea of sensation, like one who listens, in a glamour of stained glass and a cloud of incense, to the protracted sweetness of an organ playing the Nunc Dimittis.

'Yes, free as you are, or I. At home. My father was gone to fetch him. She put her hands over her face, and looked up with the sweetest smile he had ever seen, and whispered, 'Now I can sing my Nunc dimittis. He could not at once speak; and before he had done more than make one deprecatory gesture, she asked, 'You have seen him? 'Not since this not since September. 'I know.

As she went, she heard him say: 'The beauty of the world isn't for the beautiful people. It's for beef-witted squires and blear-eyed people like yourselves brutish, callous. Your God stinks like carrion, James. Nunc Dimittis. Hazel passed the tombstone where she had sat on her wedding-day.